Monroe Battles The SunCoke Plant. |
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:05:38 AM - Middletown Ohio |
By:Randy Lewis
The City of Monroe says it will spend however much it takes to stop the SunCoke Plant from being built in Middletown. As of now, they have spent $150,000 of tax payers' money with no end in sight.
Those comments come Tuesday, March 10, 2009 from Mayor Robert Routson as he addressed the Monroe City Council. The Coke Plant is a $340 million project that would bring $30 million in payroll to Butler County. The plant is under construction adjacent to the AK Steel Middletown Works in Middletown.
Chuck Inwood, a Monroe resident and member of the SunCoke Watch Inc., a group that is in favor of halting the coke plant’s efforts to build, told the Middletown Journal "It seems like we're concerned about money and jobs here, and we've seem to forget the affects on the health and welfare on the citizens of Monroe."
The City of Monroe has tried to convince the SunCoke Plant to relocate but was rejected. Monroe filed a law suit against the Middletown Coke Company Inc. and its parent company, SunCoke Energy Inc., for violating the federal Clean Air
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