Middletown's Kids Teaching Kids Program |
Friday, May 15, 2009 9:20:03 AM - Middletown Ohio |
 By: Randy Lewis
A group of juniors from Middletown High School participated in the Kids Teaching Kids program at Verity Middle School yesterday. The high school students took over nine sixth grade class rooms to teach the Deliver Our Nation program.
The program focused on the world of business and the concept behind economics. With discussion on product development and time spent on interview skills
All those involved seemed to really enjoy the experience. MiddletownUSA.com was invited in by Vice Principle Martin and allowed to snap some pictures.
This is Vice Principle Martin’s first year at Verity, and when asked by MiddletownUSA.com how she was adjusting to the new school she said “Verity is a great school and Middletown has a great school system, I am excited to be here.”
View the pictures of Kids Teaching Kids