The Board of Education has been working on a plan to temporarily locate our staff and students while our elementary schools are being built. After considering the many different swing-space plans and the comments we received from community members, a final plan has been designed:
* Starting in the 2004-05 school year, the entire staff and student enrollment of Wilson Elementary and McKinley Elementary will be housed in the Verity Middle School building. Mr. Matt Gray will continue to serve as the Wilson principal and Ms. Marla Marsh will continue to be the McKinley principal. A playground will be provided at the Verity building
* Starting in the 2004-05 school year, the entire staff and grades six, seven and eight of Verity Middle School will be housed in Monroe High School. Mr. Greg Williams will continue to serve as Verity principal.
* GATE will move to Manchester Tech.
* Instead of Mayfield Elementary 4th grade students going to Verity, they will stay in the Mayfield building.
A complete swing space plan overview, for both part 1 and part 2 of the elementary construction project is coming in the July Construction Update.
We will announce parent forums and building tours dates and times very soon. Until that time, if you have any questions, please call: Debbie Alberico at 423-0781 Ext. 343 or email <