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Middletown Community Foundation Seeks Volunteer Nominations
Thursday, August 13, 2009 9:09:04 AM - Middletown Ohio

Community Foundation Seeks Volunteer Nominations



Community Foundation Seeks Volunteer Nominations

AUGUST 13, 2008



The Middletown Community Foundation is seeking nominations over the next month for two of its annual community volunteer awards. Nominations, in the form of an essay, are due by Sept. 15.

The Mary Jane Palmer Nunlist “I Love Middletown” Award, being presented for the second year, honors the community’s “unsung heroes” who make significant contributions to Middletown’s quality of life but are otherwise not publicly recognized for their efforts. Last year’s inaugural recipients were the Grandpa Gang of volunteers who erect, maintain and take down the Light Up Middletown holiday display every winter.

The award was created in memory of community cheerleader Palmer-Nunlist, founder and owner of Palmer Temps, following her death from cancer in December 2007. Individuals, groups of individuals or organizations are eligible for the honor.

The Volunteer of the Year Award, sponsored by the Mary Maurer Fund and in its 13th year of presentation, recognizes community volunteers between 30 and 50 years of age who show the generosity of time and spirit in giving back to the greater Middletown community. Last year’s honoree, Suzi Rubin, was recognized for her work with Supports to Encourage Low-income Families (S.E.L.F.), Monroe Local School District, Temple Beth Sholom and Friends of the Monroe Lending Library, among other organizations.

This award was created by Maurer to recognize the “younger generation” of volunteers who have led successful non-fundraising volunteer projects, had a long history of volunteer service or have shown particular courage and determination in a subject area.

Each award recipient is publicly recognized at the Middletown Community Foundation’s Annual Meeting in November and in the organization’s published Annual Report at year’s end. In addition, an organization associated with the honoree receives a cash prize.

Last year, Light Up Middletown received a $1,000 contribution from the Mary Jane Palmer Nunlist “I Love Middletown” Award Fund in honor of the Grandpa Gang, and S.E.L.F. received a $500 contribution from the Mary Maurer Fund in honor of Rubin.

“Having the opportunity to shine the light on our community’s most valuable resources, people who care deeply about making this a better place to live, is a true highlight of our Annual Meeting,” said Middletown Community Foundation Executive Director T. Duane Gordon. “We’re so privileged to have the chance to recognize these outstanding individuals and organizations publicly and thank them for their contributions to society.”

To nominate an outstanding volunteer, individuals may send a letter explaining why this person should receive the award to the “Mary Jane Palmer Nunlist ‘I Love Middletown’ Award” or “Mary Maurer Volunteer of the Year Award” in care of the Middletown Community Foundation at 36 Donham Plaza, Middletown, OH 45042. They should include the nominee’s address and phone number as well as a brief description of their volunteer leadership or service.  The deadline for nominations is Sept. 15, and they may also be submitted by via e-mail to info@mcfoundation.org or by fax to 513-424-7555. Call 513-424-7369 for more information.


Archived Comments

8/13/2009 11:11:15 AM What A City!
How about Jim Wendel and his crew for the Weds Bash? How about the crew that is helping the folks on the 2300 citation program? How about the Habitat For Humanities group? How about the group that cleaned up Sunset Park? Nice job by all of these people.
8/13/2009 11:18:44 PM drumford
How about Virginia Ritan for her many years of service to the community through her direction of Middfest.
8/14/2009 9:49:34 AM Merrell Wood
Virginia Ritan is Middfest. For 25+ years she has carried the burden of making Middfest happen. She spends almost every day working with volunters from around the area with no personal gain or compensation. In all the years she has been doing this work, the city has not recognized her efforts in any official fashion. If there ever was a person who should be recognized as someone who loves Middletown, it should be her!
8/18/2009 8:14:41 AM Impala SS
What about Vivian Moon who has worked from daylight to dark seven days a week. She sure did a better job than the city keeping up the Middletown cemetery. She is a very caring and hard working lady. She should be in this also.
9/9/2009 9:51:01 AM Rossinm
I agree with Merrel's comment. Virginia Ritan is Middfest!! We have been blessed with her extraordiary vision and dedication for almost 30 years and it is time that the City of Middletwon takes note of what a gem they have in her.

Middfest is one of the great things about Middletown and it has shaped so many of our young adults into the people that they are today. I, personally, know of people ranging from Microsoft employees in Seattle to retired Rockettes in NYC that make a point of coming home for this occasion.

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