Middletown Civic Chorus Celebrates 80th Anniversary with Handel's Messiah |
Thursday, December 5, 2019 10:53:40 AM - Middletown Ohio |

The Middletown Civic Chorus will be celebrating its 80th year by presenting selections from Handel’s Messiah. This celebration will be held on Sunday, December 8th 3:00 at First United Methodist Church, 120 S Broad St (across from Midpointe Library). The chorus has grown & is sounding better than ever under the direction of Dr Jeremy Jones of Miami University. This work features soloists, a string quartet, local organist Cinda Pelfrey & new this year—a tympani. There are no tickets or admission fees except for a free-will offering. Come for the concert and stay for the anniversary reception. The chorus would like to thank the Middletown Community Foundation, Miriam G Knoll Foundation, & the Middletown Symphony Legacy Fund for their continued support.