Middletown City Schools Maintain State Rating |
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 11:35:25 AM - Middletown Ohio |
By: Tara Kunkle
Middletown City Schools maintained its rating by the state as a district in “continuous improvement.” The school officials are glad to have it that way since the previous year they had two failed levy attempts.
The state report card results were released publicly on Aug. 26th. Which showed Middletown to have fourth of the six possible ratings. The previous year Middletown met six of the 30 performance indicators which include testing results and graduate and attendance rate goals. The district’s performance index score was 82.5 out of a possible 120, this is based on students’ achievement in all tested subjects in grades three through eight and the 10th grade Ohio Graduate Test. This year Middletown met 5 of the 30 indicators and earned a performance index score of 80.
The district is also one of 15 to miss adequate yearly progress goals for the fifth year in a row. This could be due to cuts to the staff, a shortened school day, and eliminated busing. “We feel really pretty good about being able to maintain that continuous improvement designation” said Betsy Carter, senior director for learning.
Middletown is planning on improving math scores at the middle and high schools. There are also new programs that are going to help improve instruction and focus on state standards.
Last year Monroe was rated with 26 out of 30 indicators and a performance index score of 97.8 and AYP goals were not met. This year however, Monroe met AYP goals for the first time and met 25 of 30 indicators and earned a 98 performance index score.