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Middletown City Manager Weekly Report (June 6, 2008)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008 9:38:20 AM - Middletown Ohio

Weekly Update to City Council

from the City Manager
Judith Gilleland

June 6, 2008


From the International City Management Newsletter

Paper mill reopens, revitalizing New York town.

In a front-page story, the New York Times (6/5, A1, Santos) reported that, after a paper mill closed in Newton Falls, N.Y. in 2000, many of the 75 houses in the small town were abandoned as people moved away. The Times calls it "a familiar story: industry leaves, jobs disappear, hardscrabble town is left adrift. Not Newton Falls." Recently, "the shuttered mill has come back to life, thanks to a healthy dose of luck, a longtime paper executive's willingness to take a chance, and the unbending commitment of two men to the place where they had labored for two decades." Since the mill reopened in November, it "has churned out an average of 200 tons of coated paper a day, or 2,000 feet per minute, 54 percent more than it did before it went dark." The rebirth of operations at the Newton Falls mill is largely attributed to two friends who kept the machines in repair and gave tours to potential buyers while the factory was closed. The mill now has "a new mission statement: 'Restore Newton Falls to its role as a dynamic force in the paper industry and the economy of the western Adirondacks.'"


Sun Coke Rezoning

The application for rezoning has been completed and the City has made a check out to itself for the rezoning fee.  While cities would not typically do either for an internal rezoning process, the attorneys have advised we take care of these procedural items to avoid the extensive litigation in which we are confident that we would prevail.    Since Sun Coke is investing $350 million in the community, we want to ensure that we are not the cause of extensive litigation that could hold up the project.




Severe Storms – Power Outage

Always a good time to test emergency procedures and responses.  Duke worked well with us; each city department worked well together and we found some things that should be corrected to avoid issues the next time we lose power for an extended period.


Fuel Costs

We are examining measures to save fuel city-wide.  Transit system will be coming up with some options in the next week.  We may look at reducing Saturday service.


County-Wide Transit System

We are involved in initial discussions on a County-wide system.  If we can reduce the amount of funding to Transit from the general fund, provide better service to a bigger network and work regionally, I’m all for it. 


Historical Society Award

Our very own Marty Kohler won an award this week from the Historical Society for the work on his historic home on S. Main Street.


Ethics Training

I have received positive feedback on the Ethics Training provided by the Ohio Ethics Commission.  This was mandatory for all city employees.  Thank you to Mayor and Council and those Board/Commission members who attended.


New Weekly Update Item – Departmental Reports


This past week the Division of Police received a check from the US Marshall’s Office in the amount of $182,604.77 from a drug investigation that began in town and led to California.



A great deal of time was spent responding to community needs caused by severe weather, one example of which was providing a back-up generator to city hall to keep the computer system functioning. 



Last Thursday Jackie Phillips and Dave Winfoe participated in a regional Pan Flu exercise. Jackie was an evaluator at Cincinnati Health Dept. and Dave was a controller at Hamilton County Health Dept.



Planning Commission will continue discussions regarding a draft replacement for the East End zoning.



Cincinnati Bell Wireless – still ongoing, we have a hearing before the Judge this coming Monday. (Proposed Kensington Cell Tower)


Public Works

Public Works crews continued with street repair, cleanup from storm damage and setups for 5 special events this week.



State Auditors are here.  Information Systems worked with multiple departments to keep dispatch and other critical city services operational during the extended power outage at the city building.


Engineering & Environmental Services

The $13.3 million sludge process improvements (ATAD) at the Wastewater Treatment Plant approved by City Council last October is currently ahead of schedule, but still slated for completion in August 2009.


Meetings/Events attended this week:

Chamber of Commerce luncheon

Homeownership Expo – sponsored by City and Board of Realtors

Historical Society Annual Meeting

Art Shows at MAC: Linda Fisler Exhibit and Student Art Show

Hope House tour and meeting with Board of Directors



Upcoming Events

June 7              All American Fishing Derby (Smith Park)

                        Pet Expo (Smith Park)

                        Art and Music on Main

                        Relay for Life, Middletown High School

June 10            Board of Health meeting, 7:30 a.m.

Conversation with Council, Ward 1&2 Meeting, 6-7p.m., Woodside Cemetery

June 11            Planning Commission meeting, 5:30 p.m.

                        Wings of Freedom Airshow Fundraiser, Stefano’s

June 14            Multi-Cultural Festival, Douglass Park


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