Middle School to Offer Advanced Classes |
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 11:32:51 AM - Middletown Ohio |
by Evelyn Altherr, Assistant Superintendent
Advanced Language Arts, Algebra I, and Geometry will be available to eligible students during the 2008-2009 school year. These courses will be offered at both Vail and Verity.
To be eligible for Advanced Language Arts, students must be recommended by a parent or teacher and meet the following criteria: - Score at the "Advanced" or "Accelerated" level on the reading portion of the Ohio Achievement Test (6th grade scores will be used for incoming 7th grade students and 7th grade scores will be used for incoming 8th grade students) - Score at the 90th percentile or above on the TerraNova Total Reading Score (6th grade scores will be used for incoming 7th grade students and 7th grade scores will be used for incoming 8th grade students)
To be eligible for Algebra I, students must be recommended by a parent or teacher and meet the following criteria: - Score at least 85 on the Orleans Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test - Score at the "Advanced" or "Accelerated" level on the math portion of the Ohio Achievement Test (6th grade scores will be used for incoming 7th grade students and 7th grade scores will be used for incoming 8th grade students) - Score at the 90th percentile or above on the TerraNova Total Math Score (6th grade scores will be used for incoming 7th grade students and 7th grade scores will be used for incoming 8th grade students)
To be eligible for Geometry, students must have successfully completed algebra one as a seventh grade student. You will be notified prior to the start of the school year concerning your child's eligibility for the above courses. If you have any questions, please contact one of the following: - Michael Valenti, Vail Middle School Principal 420-4528 or mvalenti@middletowncityschools.com - Greg Williams, Verity Middle School Principal 539-0318 or gwilliams@middletowncityschools.com - Evelyn Altherr, Assistant Superintendent for Middletown City Schools 423-0781 or ealtherr@middletowncityschools.com