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Leadership Warren County Class of 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:42:39 PM - Middletown Ohio

by Sean Bevan


Leadership Warren County got an overview of the workings of all levels of government.


State Representative Shannon Jones spoke about the inner workings of the House.  As the Assistant Whip, Representative Jones is involved in many behind the scenes efforts to get legislation passed.  She is the Chair of the public utilities committee, and a member of the finance and health committees.  She discussed budget concerns as well as school funding and education.


Warren County Commissioner David Young explained the makeup and function of county government.  Besides budgetary oversite, the county government is responsible for the executive, legislative and judicial functions as authorized and limited by the State of Ohio Revised Code.


Tom Raga, currently with Sinclar College and former State Representative,  briefed the group on the successful effort to locate a college in Warren County.  He deliniated the obvious need for higher education in the county.   He then described the tremendous obstacles that were overcome through the cooperative effort of  government and education organizations, prompted by the Area Progress Council of Warren County. 


David Gully treated the group to a tour of the Warren County Administration Building, while briefing the group on the size and scope of the County and its services.  He has been instrumental in the conversion of  all county records from paper to digital storage.  The county is one of only a small number of  governments that has achieved a level of electronic storage that allows all citizens to access information with ease and accuracy.


Warren County Board of Elections President  David Fornshell explained the makeup of the board and the selection selection process.  He explained the rationale that leads to a system of checks and balances the results in mutual oversite at every point from the polling site to the state level.  Also discussed were the various other functions for which the board is responsible.


Warren County Auditor Nick Nelson briefed the group on the his responsibilities as the chief fiscal and pay officer for the county.  The 12th largest county in the state has an annual budget of 1 billion dollars, all administered through his office.  He is also the property tax assessor and budget monitor for the county.  In order to accomplish these tasks, in addition to his office staff, he has a staff of 25 in data processing.  They are responsible for data entry and software development. 


A panel of township representatives included:


Dan Corey—Deerfield Township

Gus Edwards--- Wayne Township

Mike Shaffer---Turtlecreek Township


Discussion subjects included levels of cooperation; management; funding; accomplishments; problems; vision for the future.


A panel of municipal representatives included:


Jim Lucas---Franklin City Manager

Scott Brunka---Lebanon Deputy City Manger

Chuck Feight---Waynesville Council Member


Discussion subjects included cooperation; earnings tax; economic development; services; differences between township and municipal government.


The intensive 10-month program, Leadership Warren County, is modeled in the tradition of community leadership development programs nationwide. The Area Progress Council of Warren County Inc., who sponsors the program, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization to plan and promote positive growth and development for Warren County. The Leadership Warren County mission is to create a dynamic network of leaders whose increased awareness and commitment to serve will energize its citizens to shape Warren County's future. For more information, contact Bill Thornton at (513) 265-0450 or Arla Tannehill at (513) 932-8228 or visit www.OhioInfo.org.


For more information – contact

Arla Tannehill, 932-8228 – Area Progress Council of Warren County


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