Hearing on Cogeneration Station for Coke Plant |
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 9:58:29 AM - Middletown Ohio |
Another public hearing has been scheduled regarding the proposed $340 million coke facility to be built in Middletown. The Ohio Power Citing Board has scheduled a local hearing set for 5:30 p.m. on October 14th regarding a 67 megawatt cogeneration station in conjunction with the Coke Plant.
The Middletown Coke Company is developing a plant with 100 heat recovery coke ovens to provide coke exclusively for AK Steel Corps steel operations in Middletown. Ak Steel also plans to use the waste energy from the plant to generate some of the electricity at Middletown Works for at least 20 years to come.
This cogeneration plant would allow the company a steady supply of coke and electricity without the need to purchase it from the open market.