by School Administration
Despite the conflict in our nation at this time, please be assured that the Middletown City School District is doing everything possible to keep your children's school day as normal as possible.
There are procedures in place to help us manage in the event that something unforeseen may occur. These procedures include fire drills that are held monthly and tornado drills that are held on a regular basis. There are also plans in place to deal with the unlikely chance that we would have to evacuate the building, or conduct a lock down to keep students safe in the school environment. All of our staff and students are very familiar with these procedures.
In Ohio, all school districts are required to develop a crisis plan for each school building.
Middletown City School District trained staff and administrators along with law enforcement personnel, hospital representatives, community members, and parents. As a result of that training, crisis protocols for the district and each school building were developed in 1999. The plans are updated yearly.
We believe that careful preparation and planning for such a crisis will help school officials, parents, students, and community leaders respond quickly and effectively.
We believe that our schools are safe. In fact, based on research, schools are probably the safest place for children to be on any given day. Nevertheless, Middletown City School District is committed to focus attention on the importance of security and that a crisis can occur anytime, anywhere.
Each school has its own alternate site in the event of an emergency. An alternate site is the location where you child would be moved, if necessary, during a crisis. Parents are notified of this site every year at open houses or by newsletters. Brochures are sent home every year regarding crisis response information.
It is extremely important that families are aware of the crisis protocols in the Middletown City School District. Please take the time to review the emergency preparedness information below. If you have any questions please call your child's school or the district at (513) 420-4656.
General Information About Crisis Teams & Crisis Protocols
Lock down Information
Protocols for Parents/Relatives
Important Phone Numbers