East End Business Alliance to Incorporate |
Wednesday, January 14, 2004 11:42:02 AM - Middletown Ohio |
Today we met with John Kellis of RC&D and the following items were discussed, as the appropriate steps needed to take by the EEBA: 1. Need to formulate the EEBA By-Laws, Statement of Purpose, and Mission Statement. John suggested that we should set up a By-Law Committee and that they should do the groundwork before our next general membership meeting. 2. Appoint an interim board of directors. It was suggested this needs to be done as soon as possible to be able to have officers available for signatures when we apply for our Incorporation Status with the State of Ohio and begin the Non-Profit Application process. An interim Treasurer needs to be appointed to enable the handling of any seed money or dues that come in. 3. Seed Money – It was recommended that EEBA solicit seed money to allow the filing of the incorporation status immediately. The seed money is not dues and is generally donated by a few interested parties. 4. File for Incorporation Status with the State of Ohio. This will cost approximately $150 and John Kellis will take care of this for us. 5. Begin accepting dues for membership according to By-Laws. 6. Kick-Off General Meeting and official election of officers. 7. Begin Non-Profit application process with the IRS. This will cost approximately $150 and John Kellis will take care of this for us also. John has also asked for a letter from the EEBA requesting his help in our start-up process. Dee, I believe you agreed to take care of this. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please let me know.