Friday August 20, 2004
Monroe Manufacturer Gains
Approval for Major Expansion
The Monroe Planning Commission approved the site plan for a 408,900 square foot expansion to the existing Dayton Technologies manufacturing facility located on Garver Road at their August 18th meeting. The expansion project is the second phase of the company’s recent entry into the composite residential decking market. The expansion is located on a site formerly occupied by a Wickes Lumber facility.
Approximately 30 new jobs will be created as a result of this expansion bringing Dayton Technologies total Monroe employment in excess of 440 workers.
When added to the existing 440,000 square foot Garver Road structure, the new addition will make the Dayton Technologies facility the largest building in the City at 848,900 square feet.
It is very exciting to see one of the City’s largest employers expanding into a growing market such as the manufacture of composite residential decking materials. We are thrilled that Dayton Technologies has chosen to expand in Monroe and we look forward to aiding them in their continued growth and expansion.
For additional information regarding this project, please contact:
Jay T. Stewart
Development Director
City of Monroe
(513) 539-7374