Central Academy Keeps Name, MUM Heads Downtown |
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 10:33:10 AM - Middletown Ohio |
by Bill Rogers
Students and parents from Central Non-graded Academy have decided that even though the venue is moving from it's longtime home downtown on First Avenue to the newly renovated Rosedale Elementary School building, the name should stay the same.
Two new names for the school were submitted, Martin Luther King Jr. Academy and Democracy Academy, but Central Academy got the most votes and will remain the name of the school.
Discuss Central Non-Graded Academy Name Suggestion on the MiddletownUSA Blog Forum.
Miami University Middletown Heads Downtown
Miami University Middletown is hoping to become the hip place to be in downtown Middletown. MUM has procured ownership of the old Masonic Temple on North main Street where they plan to hold events, courses and workshops as well as seminars and cultural events. The idea for the project comes from Campus Community Connection, a MUM student organization with an aim to foster collaborations between the college and the community.
One part of the plan in the works is a small restaurant on-site with a free WiFi connection, where users can eat, browse the internet, and relax. MUM representatives have also opened lines of communication to other downtown Middletown groups and locations such as the Middletown Arts Center, Middletown Lyric Theatre, and the Sorg Opera House, in the interest of working together with these groups.
Discuss MUM's expansion plans on the MiddletownUSA Blog Forum.