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Bob Evans History
Monday, June 19, 2006 2:50:35 PM - Middletown Ohio

The Middletown, Ohio Bob Evans Restaurant is currently being rebuilt in its original location on the east side of Middletown.

Here is some background on Bob Evans Restaurants.

In 1946, Bob Evans owned a small truck stop in southeastern Ohio. Breakfast was a large portion of his business, and he wanted to make sure he was serving quality sausage to his customers.
So, he decided to produce his own sausage -- using all the hams and tenderloins for a tasty, memorable product. Word traveled fast. People started to visit Bob at his farm in Gallia County -- they wanted to meet the man who took such pride in his work. Of course, they were hoping for a sample of the acclaimed sausage.

As time went on, the occasional visitors became more frequent. In 1962, the company opened the original Bob Evans Restaurant, which was called The Sausage Shop, in Rio Grande, Ohio.

That small business venture launched decades ago has blossomed into a restaurant and food products empire with more than 35,000 employees.

Bob Evans retired as president of Bob Evans Farms on Dec. 31, 1986. He and his wife, Jewell, continue to live in southeastern Ohio where they raised their six children.

Bob Evans was born on May 30, 1918, to Elizabeth Lewis and Stanley L. Evans in Sugar Ridge, Ohio.

The only person in Ohio to be honored three times by the National Wildlife Federation, Bob Evans has spent more than 40 years preserving wildlife. He also plants seeds for the future of the agricultural industry through his support of youth organizations such as 4-H and FFA and his involvement in higher education. He is a former member of the Ohio Board of Regents, the state's public higher education governing board. He also works with college students at The Ohio State University's College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Bob is a big supporter of year-round grazing as a way to help maintain the traditional family farms in America. Grazing cattle in pastures of different grasses throughout the year is intended to help cut expenses for farmers. With year-round grazing, farmers can theoretically eliminate two of their biggest expenses - their balers and stored feed.

He also supports many community organizations, including the Heart Fund, Ohio Society for the Prevention of Blindness, Arthritis Foundation and Easter Seals.

In 1963, Bob Evans Farms became a publicly owned company.

Current Chief Executive Officer

Before joining Bob Evans Farms Inc. in 2006, Davis worked at Yum! Brands, Inc., where he had been president of Long John Silver’s and A&W All-American Food Restaurants since 2002.

Previously, Davis served in a variety of operations management and other executive positions in Yum! Brands’ Pizza Hut division, including senior vice president of concept development where his team introduced the Wing Street concept.

The Company's stock is traded through Nasdaq under the symbol BOBE.

The company is headquartered at:
Bob Evans Farms Inc.
3776 South High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43207

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