2004 Ohio Challenge Seeking Sites for... |
Friday, April 2, 2004 5:19:53 PM - Middletown Ohio |
Walter Leap, owner of Leap Realtors, is chairing the Landowner Relations committee for the Ohio Challenge Hot Air Balloon Festival slated for July 23,24, and 25, 2004.
During the three-day event, the 30 hot air balloons will take off and land five times, weather permitting. They will need a total of 300 sites with no nearby obstructions, particularly utility lines. Many of the flights will take off from the Smith Park/Hook Field launch site. Depending on wind currents, their landing sites may be anyplace within a 15 miles radius of the take off point.
When competition targets are placed at Smith Park, the balloons will launch from locations outside a pre-determined distance and attempt to fly over the target to toss a weighted streamer then continue on to a landing site.
Having many launch/landing sites already approved by their owners, pilots and their crews feel comfortable using a site without rousing the homeowner for permission early in the morning or worrying about the homeowner being away when access is needed. Good sites are fairly level grassy areas with easy access from the roadway.
Anyone with a possible balloon launch/landing site willing to allow use by the balloon competitors should contact the Chamber office at www.ohiochallenge.com, 513-422-4551 or email to kathy@thechamberofcommerce.org |