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Path to Middletown's solvency

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Mar 13 2025 at 5:13pm

Topic: Path to Middletown's solvency
Posted By: whistlersmom
Subject: Path to Middletown's solvency
Date Posted: Mar 31 2017 at 3:03pm
If you are in agreement with the criticism of our city government which is expressed on this blog, please consider helping us to take our message beyond the limits of the blog.

We need to inform a wider audience of voters who are our tax paying citizens. How? you say.   By sending a copy of your favorite posts … several I hope … to your friends, or get them to read this blog. Talk to your neighbors. Make this a topic of interest over dinner.

We hope that there will be candidates, who feel as we do, running for the two open council seats. We want to support them and get them elected. Our problems can be solved ONLY by a vote of informed citizens. Our current city government has it’s head in the sand. Getting petitions proposed, signed, submitted and placed on the November ballot is an important step and needs immediate attention. Send your concerns about our “fiscal cliff” to the State Auditor’s Office at:     Fill out the form and express your concern about our imminent bankruptcy at the hands of our city officials’ gross misuse and misappropriation of funds that are tax payers’ money and hold them responsible!

Maybe a good initial approach to regaining control of our city government is making our first petition a repeal of city council’s 1987 ordinance for discretionary spending over our income tax. City officials have since over stepped their authority and taken this discretionary spending to include ALL of the funds in the city coffers, not just income taxes. . . but even Enterprise Funds (Auto and Gas Fund for instance) which can not legally be used for anything other than their intended purpose. Your thoughts on this approach will be greatly appreciated.

If you have ideas or suggestions to further our cause please feel free to send private messages to “whistlersmom” on this blog. Also, send any questions you have about how to proceed and I will do my best to answer or refer you to a better source of information.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing" Edmond Burke

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