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Ben Ligon's

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Category: Middletown Community
Forum Name: Fun Pictures and Video
Forum Description: Share your Middletown Area Fun Photos and Video
Printed Date: Mar 11 2025 at 3:46pm

Topic: Ben Ligon's
Posted By: 409
Subject: Ben Ligon's
Date Posted: Apr 23 2015 at 4:55pm
Ben Ligon's old station is toast...

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 24 2015 at 5:58am
And there you have it. Another building from the "old Middletown" era gone along with a touch of the city's old personality........

to be replaced by.......what........another empty parking lot for the students who will never come?

Too many empty spaces, especially downtown, the result of pie in the sky proposals that never come true. How is this gonna help when CS is declining in enrollment and light years from the original 5000, not to mention the revised 3000 number. It can't help the Manchester parking either until, and if ever, the Manchester developers ever get their act together.

More nonsense from the circus that is the downtown area.

Mercy this town looks desolate now. Almost looks abandoned in certain areas.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: Perplexed
Date Posted: Apr 25 2015 at 6:07am
Give credit where credit is due. The former downtown devastation is the brainchild of Miss Judy and the handiwork of The Dougmeister. May they both be properly remembered (disgraced) for creating this 'bombed out" look. After all, in their eyes Middletown remains a 54% low income dying city.

Posted By: arwendt
Date Posted: May 01 2015 at 10:19am
Originally posted by VietVet VietVet wrote:

And there you have it. Another building from the "old Middletown" era gone along with a touch of the city's old personality........

to be replaced by.......what........another empty parking lot for the students who will never come?

Let's just be glad no one is trying to put a roof on all these empty lots. 


“Sell not virtue to purchase wealth, nor Liberty to purchase power.” Benjamin Franklin - More at my - Words of Freedom website.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 05 2015 at 8:26pm
These people are senseless to think the downtown will ever thrive again it's madness that they have wasted so much effort into it. 

Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: May 05 2015 at 10:08pm
Originally posted by 409 409 wrote:

Ben Ligon's old station is toast...

But doesn't the phony "period" olde tyme gas lamp give the scene a lovely "quaint" look???

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 06 2015 at 12:48am
LOl yes it does Mike too bad they didn't knock it down too. On the bright side the Middletown err I mean Midpoint library got it's tax levy renewed it will mean that the hope house residents will have a wider selection of reading materials to enhance their job searches while they hang out all day.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: May 08 2015 at 9:40am
Another great accomplisment for THEIR they just need to come up with the demo funds for the old Mongomery Ward Building and they will be ready to build those high raise condos with the river view.

Posted By: wannaknow
Date Posted: May 15 2015 at 8:22pm
Read about the shooting on Main Street. I didn't think that was allowed to happen there

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: May 18 2015 at 8:11am
I don't disagree with the sentiment that continuing to demolish building and structures all over town is excessive and short-sighted, but I'm not the least bit upset about Ben Ligon's. It was dilapidated, unkempt and an absolute eyesore.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: May 18 2015 at 12:04pm
 According to the" rel="nofollow - United States Census Bureau , the city has a total area of 26.43 square miles, that you could say that is unkempt and an absolute eyesore !! even" rel="nofollow - Bristol Palin  writes about her experience in Middletown in her autobiography Not Afraid of Life: My Journey So Far. In the book, she details her stay at the Manchester Inn, "the raggedy old hotel" that her family stayed in, as well as her introduction to cockroaches.LOL only one thing left to do and that is tie up your pant legs up and start those bulldozers because it has all gone to hell !!

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jun 08 2015 at 1:27am
Middletown scooter "I don't disagree with the sentiment that continuing to demolish building and structures all over town is excessive and short-sighted, but I'm not the least bit upset about Ben Ligon's. It was dilapidated, unkempt and an absolute eyesore." 

By that logic then 80% of Middletown should be bull dozed.

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Jun 08 2015 at 9:48am
A little hyperbolic at 80% but I don't disagree that many of the abandoned properties around town are not being maintained by their owners (absentee landlords, the banks or the city). Many of them could be rehabbed or repurposed.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jun 09 2015 at 2:41am
Took a ride down queen to Crawford hadn't been through there in many years and I was shocked how it had changed. Many areas in town are hopeless its sad to see but its true. We bought our current house in 2003 it's now worth 35,000 less than what we paid for it. And I doubt it will ever rebound.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jun 09 2015 at 9:30am
City Hall has destroyed the 2nd Ward over the past 15 years.

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