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Councilpeople versus campaigners

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Sep 28 2024 at 11:32am

Topic: Councilpeople versus campaigners
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Subject: Councilpeople versus campaigners
Date Posted: Oct 14 2013 at 4:42am
I haven't been able to watch the last city council meeting, so I was just reading the minutes of it in the workbook for the 10/15 meeting.  I had to laugh out loud at some of the council members' comments!!!
Certain council members who are running for reelection seem eager to "hear" from the citizenry and are eager to get the input of we mere ordinary Middletonians.  Yet I can't recall these same council members ever hosting a "town hall" meeting or a "conversation with council".  Nor can I ever recall any of them ever looking very attentive during "citizens' comments" nor have they ever asked Mayor Lawrence P. Mulligan, Jr. to give a citizen more time to finish making his/her points when the old three-minute lights started flashing.  I guess they only want us to think they are listening when they want our vote???
And I read where most of them claim that they look at every item in the budget and are going to carefully find ways to save money since we seem to be going broke.  That's strange!!!  I can't recall any of them ever asking where the money was coming from for ANY expenditure made.  Did any of them ask where the $5,000+ per year in added electricity for the 40+ additional decorative lights on South Main Street was going to come from, starting this year until the end of time???  Have they ever asked where ANY of the money that they fritter away on pet projects for their friends and cronies was going to come from???  I guess that's just a question they ask during October of election years!!!
I wonder if they'll still be looking for our input or questioning expenditures in late November???  It has never seemed to be that way in the past...why should this year be any different???
It appears that the Firefighters got fooled, too.  Again.
And another thing:  I've only seen a few yard signs in my travels around town so far.  (I haven't gotten around much this campaign season.)  Every one of Mr. Picard's signs that I have seen has been illegally placed within the right-of-way.  One would think that as an attorney (and a veteran of TWO campaigns), he would know better and so instruct his campaign helpers.

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Oct 14 2013 at 9:23am
Michael Eugene Presta, you are not suppose to be that observant. You are expected to fall in-line with the process which includes the fact that they lie through their teeth at election time. You are expected to "go along with their program" and accept what they do.

We all know this game occurs at the local, state and fed levels with candidates promising anything the voters want to hear, knowing full well they don't intent to accomplish any of what they say. They are liars. Ya gotta be to be a successfully re-elected politician. The system doesn't accept honesty. Didn't take long for Laubach to be less outspoken. Lawrence and the others probably took him aside and "corrected" his approach to things as he seems to be a lot less "rebel-like" these days. A shame to see a person who wanted to do right by the people, be silenced by people who are basically disgusting and do not wish to involve the people in the decisions concerning their city.

Picard is just like the rest of the crowd running the city. A puppet who does the MMF bidding with a little bit of pompous ass thrown in for good measure.

Perhaps the lack of yard signs indicates that the incumbants are confident enough in their re-election that they need not make any efforts. IMO, anyone who votes for any incumbant, given the mess they have created, is hurting this city and has nothing to complain about after they are seated once again. It will be a shame to see the same old faces on council due to a lack of opposition and the fact that the people of Middletown are too dam lazy to sponsor and vote new faces in and overcome the MMF voting block. We should have started a decade or two ago to create an entirely new cast running this city.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: over the hill
Date Posted: Oct 14 2013 at 3:32pm
When they get the candidates together( you're only allowed 3 together at any one time) someone should ask them. WHERE'S THE MONEY,,,,,,,

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