Pick up single game or season tickets today! The Athletic office is open 9-3 Monday-Friday. There will be no reserved football tickets sold during the season at the gate.
Middletown City Schools
513-420-4653 Fax
Volley for the Cure
The forth annual Volley for the Cure event will be held on September 24th at Middletown High School. Matches start at 4:30, 5:45 and 6:30 with raffle drawings and serv-ing contests occurring during the varsity match. There will also be a pink bake sale, split-the-pot, and survivor testimony throughout the even-ing. Anyone purchasing and wearing a Volley for the Cure t-shirt to the match will be admitted free of charge. Show your Middie Pride and help our team support this important cause. - 2012 September Middie Athletic News
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