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The Obama campaign has opened office in Middletown

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Topic: The Obama campaign has opened office in Middletown
Posted By: Middletown News
Subject: The Obama campaign has opened office in Middletown
Date Posted: May 21 2012 at 10:51am
The Obama campaign has opened offices in Middletown and Mason.

Republican candidates recieve 60 percent to 70 percent of the votes in Warren and Butler counties in the last three presidential elections.

The last time a Democrat won in either county was in 1964, representatives said getting voter turnout for their side will be important.

“Butler County has a large number of Democrats and a large number of independents,” said Kathy Wyenandt, head of the Butler County Democratic Central Committee. “It’s probably not an expectation that Obama will win (in Butler County), but we can move the meter by a few percentage points and that could turn out to be critical to winning the state.” - Source and Full Story

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Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 21 2012 at 12:07pm
Originally posted by Jonathan Haller Jonathan Haller wrote:

The Obama campaign has opened offices in Middletown and Mason.

Republican candidates recieve 60 percent to 70 percent of the votes in Warren and Butler counties in the last three presidential elections.

The last time a Democrat won in either county was in 1964, representatives said getting voter turnout for their side will be important.

“Butler County has a large number of Democrats and a large number of independents,” said Kathy Wyenandt, head of the Butler County Democratic Central Committee. “It’s probably not an expectation that Obama will win (in Butler County), but we can move the meter by a few percentage points and that could turn out to be critical to winning the state.” - Source and Full Story
I thought I smelled BS in the air that explains it.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: May 21 2012 at 1:50pm
Think AJ's gettin' a little excited about now? His time to shine for the Dems and his union buds. Gotta keep trying for that firefighter job, don't cha know.

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: May 22 2012 at 11:40am
I heard they were looking for cities with large section 8 housing to setup their headquarters. The idea is to promise more opm to all on the dole.

It's a great plan. One I'm sure will work for that constituency.

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 22 2012 at 11:53am
I remember the video that someone made of person filling her car up with gas during the 2008 election they actualy had her believing that obama was going to pay for her gas and rent...of course people like that are going to vote obama....relying on ignorance to cast votes.

Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 5:50am
Why the knock on Obama?  Isn't AJ the only Democrat on City Council? The same council that has done nothing but bring in more section 8? 
 John Boehner "Mr. Republican" has done wonders for the county.  As have all the county commissioners.  I think ALL the politicians around blow.  Jolivette changes parties like I change underwear.  Whatever suits him. 

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 12:25pm
Originally posted by rngrmed rngrmed wrote:

Why the knock on Obama?  Isn't AJ the only Democrat on City Council? The same council that has done nothing but bring in more section 8? 
 John Boehner "Mr. Republican" has done wonders for the county.  As have all the county commissioners.  I think ALL the politicians around blow.  Jolivette changes parties like I change underwear.  Whatever suits him. 
And here goes the "well look at the republicans" again do you people ever get tired of defending obama and the libtards by saying that ? #1 I wasn't defending the republicans. #2 the repubs and the democrats all are in dc right now having shots of tequila and chasing it with john adams beer having a good laugh at all the people out there that believe the BS they pump out.
It comes down to this as I see it both parties spew out BS to attract the votes needed to keep them in office so I guess you can believe what ever you want but at least keep an open mind.

Posted By: rngrmed
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 1:41pm
Not defending Obama. And I don't believe all the BS that the Dems blow out either. At the same time I don't dismiss everything someone says either just because of their party affiliation.

Could be 8 inches of snow and 30 below outside and Obama could say its cold outside and people would question it.

I believe my comment said all the politicians blow.

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 4:32pm
AJ is just chomping at the the bit to be Obama's copy mailto:b@#&h - b@#&h again!!! Cant wait till he goes away!! If Obama loses then maybe AJ can be his pool boy!!! Thumbs%20Up

Posted By: ground swat
Date Posted: May 23 2012 at 7:00pm
Who gives a -hit bigger problems locally.

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