Mr. Beagle:
Since I assume that you agree with the mayor (after all, you did quote him), I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully disagree with the both of you on two of the four items, and to comment on a third, as I am quite perplexed as to exactly how they can be considered to be helping Middletown.
First, let us examine Downtown Revitalization Efforts.
In my view, these efforts at revitalization began in the mid-seventies, before I moved out of the area for a long period. It began with the so-called stakeholders (those with a personal financial interest in downtown property or businesses) trying to convince the legislative authority (city commission/city council) to invest OTHER PEOPLEs money (those other people being the taxpayers or bag holders) into whatever scheme or idea these stakeholders had that they felt was too risky for their own money. This has now continued for over THIRTY YEARS! Yet, we bag holders are still being told to be patient. Now Mr. Beagle, Im sure that you will agree that Middletown has had (and still does have) many very rich and competent developers who have made literal fortunes exercising their visions and judgments developing commercial, residential, and even industrial property in and around Middletown. Doesnt anyone else find it odd that not even ONE of these veritable LEGENDS of local business has seen the merit in downtown Middletown with enough conviction to invest THEIR money in the area? Hasnt anyone asked themselves why, if downtown Middletown is such a gem, developers have not lined up to invest during the last thirty-plus years? But even when such shrewd, successful developers who have the means, the acumen, the track record, and the civic pride to donate MILLIONS to local worthy causes cannot find a reason to invest, somehow a parade of individuals, five or seven at a time, with NO such credentials think that THEY have the know-how just because they sit down in a city hall chair. They think that somehow THAT makes them smarter than the ones who have actually made fortunes in development. And the ONLY idea throughout the years has been to THROW MONEY AT IT! Hasnt insanity been defined as doing the same thing over and over and over again while expecting a different result? And consider the total cost! All of the taxpayers money invested in downtown since the mid-seventies, if converted into 2008 dollars equals a NINE figure total! (And yes, that is NINE digits to the LEFT of the decimal point! So, I ask you, exactly HOW has this helped Middletown? In fact, it is nearly the same, in 2008 dollars, as the amount needed to put EVERY LANE-MILE of Middletowns roads and streets into tip-top, first-class condition!
So, how much MORE of the bag holders money do you think should be spent?
Now please do NOT misunderstand. I am NOT against downtown development! I just believe that the same people who have the visions and want the rewards should do it with their OWN money! The stakeholders should also be the bag holders! Fair enough?
Next, lets look at the percent Safety Levy Approval.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear: In my humble opinion, Middletown does need MORE police and fire resources, both as far as manpower and as far as physical plant repairs/replacement. I recall the spring of 2007, just before the special election, when the local politicians were promoting the 0.75% payroll tax increase. Out of the NINE million dollars per year that they said this would bring in, they said that only $500,000.00 per year would go to police and fire, AND they said that<