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Master Plan Steering Committee

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: Community Revitalization
Forum Description: Middletown Community Revitalization News
Printed Date: Mar 11 2025 at 3:30pm

Topic: Master Plan Steering Committee
Posted By: spiderjohn
Subject: Master Plan Steering Committee
Date Posted: Aug 19 2010 at 10:09am
OK people--time to take yer shots at me and/or help me out here.
This committee meets tonight to discuss economic development, with Mr. R and Mr.K leading the show.
Part of me is down after watching more of Tuesday's soap opera, since the downtown power seems to trample over everyone and sensibility to get what they want. The rest of me wants to move forward to salvage whatever we can towards a responsible/realistic approach to re-shaping our city.
Plese give me your thoughts and ideas.
This is the most open, free-thinking conversation pit in our community.
The MJ pages are trash and trolls.
When things heat up, discussion ends and disappears.
Meeting is at 6pm 4th floor of the ivory palace.
Open to the public, though only as spectators.
However any committee member can voice thei(or your) concerns.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Aug 19 2010 at 10:39am
OK Spider-
1. How many shovel ready sites exist in Midd. now?
2. What are the plans coming up out of Robinette's department as to occupancy of these sites?
3. What types of businesses are they looking to attract to all areas of town, other than ones connected to the "arts theme" downtown and the "medical theme" out by Atrium? IE- are they targeting jobs in technology, plastics, automotive, warehousing,etc.
4. What are the timelines for #3?
5. What pay rate are they targeting for new jobs? Will they be satisfied with providing the residents with $7 to $10 per hour service jobs or are they shooting for higher paying opportunities?
6. What timeframe are they looking at to start developing torn down sites like the parking garage, the old Swallens site, the old Office Outfitters site, etc.? In their opinion, how long will they tolerate these sites being empty?
7. Is there adequate infrastructure in place in the developmental areas to accomodate planned development?
8. What are they currently doing to replace the businesses that are leaving town? What is in the plans for the types of shopping that they want for this town?
9. What is keeping this town from attracting new business? Is it non-business friendly approaches, it is that there are limited shovel ready sites but they are in non-appealing locations, or are they just being too selective on what they want in this town? Do they think the town has a poor reputation for welcoming new business and if so why?
10. Would be nice to change the meeting format to include some public discussion.

Spider, these may have been asked before and discussed at length. If so, please excuse the redundancy.

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Aug 19 2010 at 11:08am
"Why has the city turned down interest in sites like Swallen's from businesses which now reside in West Chester?"

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Aug 19 2010 at 11:26am
Do you, Mr. Kohler, feel you can be objective about business development when your address on S. Main  makes the continuing obsession with downtown efforts questionable at best?

Posted By: Dead man walkin'
Date Posted: Aug 19 2010 at 11:46pm

This should’ve been the question of the day: “Why not force the city to disclose ALL commercial, light industrial, and industrial properties that they own, and allow professional real estate people the opportunity to market them?”

Currently the city sits on property until they find someone/some business suitable to the elites, then pay that someone/business to take it, weather or not that someone will really bring jobs to the city. Stupid way to do real economic development.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil" (Psalm 23)

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Aug 20 2010 at 7:27am
couldn't agree more dead man.

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Aug 21 2010 at 2:17am

Maybe we are getting to many downtown plans at the same time for the members to attend all these meetings.
When will the new Main Street Plan gang have their meeting which is part of the Master Plan?

Was the Main Street Plan discussed by Mr. Kohler?

Posted By: angelababy
Date Posted: Nov 11 2010 at 9:39pm
Main  makes the continuing obsession with downtown efforts questionable at best?

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