"We need to fund the police and fire ..." You can not fully fund the Police and Fire under the current circumstances, the money is just not there. Even if the Public Safety levy passes, the money will not be there. The Levy will basically keep you at the leve you are now.
The city needs to get it employee salaraies and benefits under control. The current council has lost control of these 2 expenses and it is bankrupting the City.
I have never seen a Municipality that has an Employee Run Healthcare committee meeting with Insurance Agents and determining its health care benefits and the City Council just sits there and shakes their heads OK to what the committee says. This appears to be how Middletown Operates,
Does the City not have a Human Resource Administrator that administers the employee benefits after the city determines the benefits.....it appears they don't. This is absurd.
I have also never seen where the State mandates binding Arbitration if a contract is not mutually agreed upon by the City and the Police Union. This is also absurd and leaves a City such as Middletown in dire straits. There is no incentive for the Union to agree to anything the City puts forward. I understand the arbitration normally favors the Union. These laws are archaic and need to be changed.
If the arbitrator comes back with a significant raise for the Police then they will see cuts in the Police Dept. come 2008 as I doubt the Levy will pass.