Opinion regarding "Middletown Moving Forward"
Printed From: MiddletownUSA.com
Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
URL: http://www.middletownusa.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1090
Printed Date: Mar 13 2025 at 5:11pm
Topic: Opinion regarding "Middletown Moving Forward"
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Subject: Opinion regarding "Middletown Moving Forward"
Date Posted: Mar 12 2009 at 6:16am
Impala posted what is said to be a memo (or other info) from either within City Hall or from "Middletown Moving Forward". (I am unsure which.) It was posted under the "Middletown Community>Middletown News Info and Happenings>" section. He asked for opinions.
Pacman apparently copied it, and re-formatted it, to make it easier to read, and re-posted it in the same thread.
The content was so disturbing to me, I thought that I would move up here to the "City Council" heading, and start a new thread for opinions. I will go first!!>>>
This is rather disturbing information!!!
According to their brochure entitled: SUCCESS IN THE MIDDLE, [Available at the City’s website: http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/ed/2008_edreport.pdf - http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/ed/2008_edreport.pdf ]
“ Middletown Moving Forward CIC is a non-profit public/private organization charged with directing the city’s economic development priorities. The organization was founded in 2005 as a partnership of the City and The Chamber of Commerce and includes representation from the community’s two largest employers, AK Steel and Atrium Medical Center.”
As a “non-profit public/private organization charged with directing the city’s economic development priorities”, I am concerned that, among other things, this organization is actively involved in:
Recruiting and training candidates for City Council
Fundraising for council candidates ($5,000 per candidate?)
Speech-coaching candidates
Establishing issues for candidates
Not giving away its main goal of recruiting and quietly helping groom selected candidates
I am also troubled that this organization appears to be conspiring to:
Surreptitiously form committees while concealing objectives and goals
Quietly “groom” their “selected candidates”
Change the makeup of City Council, AND the County Commission
Eliminate at-large seats from City Council
Make City Council “more manageable”(?!?)
Some of the circumstances make it even more distressing! The President and CEO of Atrium, the Vice President Government & Public Relations of AK Steel, and the President of Cohen Brothers are all on the Board of Directors of Middletown Moving Forward CIC, as are both our Mayor Mulligan and our Vice-Mayor Marconi, and our City Manager!
Please Consider that our City Manager makes, and has made, recommendations to City Council, and that both the Mayor and Vice-Mayor are VOTING members of City Council. If the information in the postings by Impala and Pacman actually did originate with Middletown Moving Forward CIC, then considering the activities and goals stated, a strong case could be made to re-examine any actions taken by City Council concerning AK, Atrium, or Cohen Brothers (One of AK’s largest suppliers.)
Folks, I hate to say this, since I am, and always have been, in favor of the SunCoke facility (I believe it will lead to the construction of new steel making and processing facilities on AK’s Property.) but, If I was Monroe, I would be looking into this. If the info is true, it certainly appears to me that there should have been at least TWO MORE abstentions on some of the issues before council in the last couple of years.
People, I can’t believe that Mr. McCoy, Mr. McNeill, or Mr. Cohen would be stupid enough to be party to something like this, and I certainly don’t know the source of the information, but if it is true, either the Butler County District Attorney or the Ohio Attorney General should be looking into this.
Also, if true, could all of this have been going on since before the LAST election?
All of the above is, of course, merely my humble opinion.
PS: I have no idea what “CIC” stands for (I always thought it stood for “Commander In Chief” or “Crane Institute Certification”), but perhaps it should stand for “Citizen’s Investigative Committee”!
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Mar 12 2009 at 7:26am
Does tend to make one leery of this situation. If Gilleland, Mulligan and Marconi are included in this group, and, knowing they are on, or connected with Council(city manager), they could use their positions to guide and influence the candidate selections and other city decisions in favor of their buddies on this committee. Sounds like they may be using their Council positions,(designed for the general public), to support club candidates who usually work against that same general public. Furthermore, how can this organization be a non-profit PUBLIC entity, when only a select group of chosen people are included? To me, this is not a public group at all but a carefully chosen PRIVATE group of people with a "keep it in the club" mentality. Wonder if any city taxpayer money is used for this program that is kept "out of site"? And what's this crap about this group being "charged with directing the city's economic development priorities". Nonsense! This group is being charged with controlling the city's political machine to assure that only the "proper" club members are groomed and are elected to do their bidding to keep their little kingdom intact and to assure that the club candidates support legislation to protect the interests of these select few. It is designed to wipe out opposition agendas/controlling opposition numbers on Council and to secure the way we are now operating. These are the types of people who are keeping this city from growing with their "boss hog" mentality, and we. the people, are guilty for allowing them to do so.
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 12 2009 at 7:42am
Agent Name |
Agent Address |
City |
State |
Zip |
Effective Date |
Contact Status |
Leslie S. Landen |
One Donham Plaza
Middletown |
Ohio |
45042 |
07-JUN-05 |
Active |
Business Name |
Charter / Registration Number |
Type |
Original Filing Date |
Status |
Expiration Date |
Location / County / State |
Agent / Contact Info |
Business Filing Info |
Prior Business Name Info |
1548285 |
Corporation For Non-Profit |
Jun 07 2005 |
Active |
Jun 07 2010 |
Middletown Butler
http://www2.sos.state.oh.us/pls/portal/PORTAL_BS.BS_QRY_AGENT_CONTACT_DET.SHOW?p_arg_names=charter_num&p_arg_values=1548285 - - Click for Details |
http://www2.sos.state.oh.us/pls/portal/PORTAL_BS.BS_QRY_PRIOR_BUSINESSNAME_DET.SHOW?p_arg_names=charter_num&p_arg_values=1548285 -
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 12 2009 at 8:59am
The only reference to "CIC" which I can find that makes sense is 'Community Improvement Corporation'.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 6:53am
Great Work on finding the "filing", Pacman! (Even if it saddens me further.)
If one clicks on "Click for Details" Under the "Business Filing Info" near the far right of your 7:42 AM post, one will see that Les Landen, Bill Becker, Noah Powers, Perry Thatcher, and Dave Duritsch were all involved in this WHILE they were either elected officials of our City or City employees. If you see my post in response to "Impala" under the "Middletown News Info and Happenings" thread, you will see that Marconi and Schiavone, were involved. And the bochure links Marconi, Mulligan, Judy Gilleland, and Bill Murphy.
This is beyond belief, even to my cynical mind. How could all of these people basically agree to CONSPIRE to CHOOSE, establish the ISSUES FOR, HIDE their own GOALS and QUIETLY GROOM, candidates for our city council, and MAKE SURE BEFOREHAND that these so-called candidates are "on board", all the while trying to "keep the issues to a minimum" to the direct DETRIMENT of the citizens??? And all the while having the HIDDEN GOALS of sabotaging our City Council and our County Commission, by SHRINKING the former and enlarging the latter!!!
I just can't imagine it!!! Yet they call themselves "public servants" and they even want a HIGHER STIPEND!!! We should get out the tar and feathers--but that would be a waste of good tar and feathers.
That's just my humble opinion, of course. (Others may not place such a high value on tar or feathers.)
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 9:40am
An interesting excerpt from an article in The Dayton Business Journal’s October 14, 2005, edition regarding Bill Murphy:
“Middletown Moving Forward, a community investment corporation, considered more than 70 applicants before hiring Murphy.”
Here’s the link: http://dayton.bizjournals.com/dayton/stories/2005/10/10/daily30.html - http://dayton.bizjournals.com/dayton/stories/2005/10/10/daily30.html
The following is an excerpt from page 11 of our City’s “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended December 31, 2005:
“ You’ll note that it says that the group “was established to assist in the City’s economic efforts.” It does NOT mention conspiracy to cause electioneering by public employees while on city time, or any of the other unethical (and probably illegal) “goals” mentioned in the flyer, nor does it mention that it would be their job to interview and HIRE City employees!!! Heck, it doesn't even hint at conspiring to overthrow the County Commision! (Note: If the citizens of Butler County want to do that, I'll stand with them, but it is NOT the purpose of our municipal government to so plot in a clandestine manner!)
Here’s the link: http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/finance/cafr_2005.pdf - http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/finance/cafr_2005.pdf
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 10:13am
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.01 - 1724.01 Community improvement corporations.
A corporation not for profit may be organized in the manner provided in section 1702.04 of the Revised Code, and as provided in sections 1724.01 to 1724.09, inclusive, of the Revised Code, for the sole purpose of advancing, encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic, commercial, and civic development of a community or area.
Effective Date: 08-17-1961
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.02 - 1724.02 Powers of corporation.
In furtherance of the purposes set forth in section 1724.01 of the Revised Code, the corporation shall have the following powers:
(A) To borrow money for any of the purposes of the corporation; to issue therefor its bonds, debentures, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness, whether secured or unsecured, and to secure the same by mortgage, pledge, deed of trust, or other lien on its property, franchises, rights, and privileges of every kind and nature or any part thereof or interest therein;
(B) To make loans to any person, firm, partnership, corporation, joint stock company, association, or trust, and to establish and regulate the terms and conditions with respect to any such loans; provided the corporation shall not approve any application for a loan unless and until the person applying for said loan shows that the person has applied for the loan through ordinary banking or commercial channels and that the loan has been refused by at least one bank or other financial institution;
(C) To purchase, receive, hold, lease, or otherwise acquire and to sell, convey, transfer, lease, sublease, or otherwise dispose of real and personal property, together with such rights and privileges as may be incidental and appurtenant thereto and the use thereof, including but not restricted to, any real or personal property acquired by the corporation from time to time in the satisfaction of debts or enforcement of obligations;
(D) To acquire the good will, business, rights, real and personal property, and other assets, or any part thereof, or interest therein, of any persons, firms, partnerships, corporations, joint stock companies, associations, or trusts, and to assume, undertake, or pay the obligations, debts, and liabilities of any such person, firm, partnership, corporation, joint stock company, association, or trust; to acquire improved or unimproved real estate for the purpose of constructing industrial plants or other business establishments thereon or for the purpose of disposing of such real estate to others in whole or in part for the construction of industrial plants or other business establishments; and to acquire, construct or reconstruct, alter, repair, maintain, operate, sell, convey, transfer, lease, sublease, or otherwise dispose of industrial plants or business establishments;
(E) To acquire, subscribe for, own, hold, sell, assign, transfer, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of the stock, shares, bonds, debentures, notes, or other securities and evidences of interest in, or indebtedness of, any person, firm, corporation, joint stock company, association, or trust, and while the owner or holder thereof, to exercise all the rights, powers, and privileges of ownership, including the right to vote therein;
(F) To mortgage, pledge, or otherwise encumber any property acquired pursuant to the powers contained in divisions (C), (D), or (E) of this section;
(G) Nothing in this section shall limit the right of a corporation to become a member of or a stockholder in an improvement corporation formed under Chapter 1726. of the Revised Code;
(H) To serve as an agent for grant applications and for the administration of grants;
(I) To do all acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out the powers especially created in Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 08-29-2003
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.03 - 1724.03 Repealed.
Effective Date: 11-01-1965
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.04 - 1724.04 Articles of incorporation.
When the articles of incorporation of any community improvement corporation, or any amendment, amended articles, merger, or consolidation which provides for the creation of such a corporation, are deposited for filing and recording in the office of the secretary of state, the secretary of state shall submit them to the attorney general for examination. If such articles, amendment, amended articles, merger, or consolidation, are found by the attorney general to be in accordance with Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code, and not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of the United States and of this state, he shall endorse thereon his approval and deliver them to the secretary of state, who shall file and record them pursuant to section 1702.07 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 08-17-1961
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.05 - 1724.05 Annual report.
Each community improvement corporation shall prepare an annual financial report that conforms to rules prescribed by the auditor of state pursuant to section 117.20 of the Revised Code, that is prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles, and that is certified by the board of trustees of the corporation or its treasurer or other chief fiscal officer. The financial report shall be filed with the auditor of state within one hundred twenty days following the last day of the corporation’s fiscal year, unless the auditor of state extends that deadline. The auditor of state may establish terms and conditions for granting any extension of that deadline.
Each community improvement corporation shall submit to audits by the auditor of state, the scope and frequency of which shall be in accordance with section 117.11 of the Revised Code as if the corporation were a public office subject to that section. However, a community improvement corporation may request in accordance with section 115.56 of the Revised Code, as if the corporation were a public office subject to that section, the performance of any of those audits by an independent certified public accountant.
The auditor of state is authorized to receive and file the annual financial reports required by this section and the reports of all audits performed in accordance with this section. The auditor of state shall analyze those annual financial reports and the reports of those audits to determine whether the activities of the community improvement corporation involved are in accordance with this chapter.
Effective Date: 03-12-2001
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.06 - 1724.06 Failure to file annual financial report.
If any community improvement corporation fails to prepare an annual financial report as required by section 1724.05 of the Revised Code and to file that report with the auditor of state within ninety days of the time prescribed for that filing by that section, or if the auditor of state determines by applying the standards applicable to a public office under section 117.41 of the Revised Code that any community improvement corporation cannot be audited and declares it to be unauditable and the corporation fails to then prepare an annual financial report as required by section 1724.05 of the Revised Code and to file that report with the auditor of state within ninety days of the time that the auditor of state declared the corporation to be unauditable, the auditor of state shall certify that fact to the secretary of state. The secretary of state then shall cancel the articles of the community improvement corporation involved by filing and recording the certificate of the auditor of state or a true copy of it. All of the rights, privileges, and franchises conferred upon that community improvement corporation by those articles of incorporation then shall cease. The secretary of state shall immediately notify that community improvement corporation of the action taken. Reinstatement may be accomplished within two years after that cancellation upon proper filing of all delinquent annual financial reports to the satisfaction of the auditor of state and the filing of the auditor of state’s certificate reflecting that satisfaction with the secretary of state, who shall be entitled to a fee of ten dollars for recording the certificate in the corporate records. That filing may be made by any officer, member, creditor, receiver, lessee, or sublessee of the community improvement corporation involved, and any such person or agent of any such person shall be granted access to the books and records of the corporation for that purpose. The rights, privileges, and franchises of a community improvement corporation whose articles have been reinstated are subject to section 1702.60 of the Revised Code.
Effective Date: 03-12-2001
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.07 - 1724.07 Application of remaining assets after dissolution or liquidation.
In the event of any voluntary or involuntary dissolution, liquidation, or failure to reinstate the articles after cancellation of the corporation, any remaining assets shall be applied to such civic projects or public charitable purposes in the community or area as may be determined by the trustees with the approval of the court of common pleas of the county wherein the corporation has its principal place of business.
Effective Date: 08-17-1961
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.08 - 1724.08 Applicability of nonprofit corporation laws.
The provisions of Chapter 1702. of the Revised Code are applicable to corporations organized under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code to the extent they are not inconsistent herewith.
Effective Date: 08-17-1961
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.09 - 1724.09 Savings clause.
Any corporation organized prior to August 17, 1961 and having similar purposes may be brought under Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code by the required vote of its members or shareholders adopting amended articles of incorporation. Said amended articles of incorporation shall provide for a change in the corporate title and powers in conformity with Chapter 1724. of the Revised Code and shall contain a statement that the amended articles supersede the existing articles of incorporation. In the case of any corporation organized with shares of stock, the amended articles of incorporation shall also provide for the cancellation of all outstanding shares and the terms and considerations, if any, for such cancellations.
Effective Date: 01-23-1963
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.10 - 1724.10 Political designating community improvement corporation as agency for development.
A community improvement corporation may be designated by a county, one or more townships, one or more municipal corporations, two or more adjoining counties, or any combination of the foregoing as the agency of each such political subdivision for the industrial, commercial, distribution, and research development in such political subdivision when the legislative authority of such political subdivision has determined that the policy of the political subdivision is to promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of its inhabitants through the designation of a community improvement corporation as such agency. Such designation shall be made by the legislative authority of the political subdivision by resolution or ordinance. Any political subdivision which has designated a community improvement corporation as such agency may enter into an agreement with it to provide any one or more of the following:
(A) That the community improvement corporation shall prepare a plan for the political subdivision of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research development, and such plan shall provide therein the extent to which the community improvement corporation shall participate as the agency of the political subdivision in carrying out such plan. Such plan shall be confirmed by the legislative authority of the political subdivision. A community improvement corporation may insure mortgage payments required by a first mortgage on any industrial, economic, commercial, or civic property for which funds have been loaned by any person, corporation, bank, or financial or lending institution upon such terms and conditions as the community improvement corporation may prescribe. A community improvement corporation may incur debt, mortgage its property acquired under this section or otherwise, and issue its obligations, for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving, and equipping buildings, structures, and other properties, and acquiring sites therefor, for lease or sale by the community improvement corporation in order to carry out its participation in such plan. Any such debt shall be solely that of the corporation and shall not be secured by the pledge of any moneys received or to be received from any political subdivision. All revenue bonds issued under sections 1724.02 and 1724.10 of the Revised Code are lawful investments of banks, savings and loan associations, deposit guarantee associations, trust companies, trustees, fiduciaries, trustees or other officers having charge of sinking or bond retirement funds of municipal corporations and other subdivisions of the state, and of domestic insurance companies notwithstanding sections 3907.14 and 3925.08 of the Revised Code. Not less than two-fifths of the governing board of any community improvement corporation designated as the agency of one or more political subdivisions shall be composed of mayors, members of municipal legislative authorities, members of boards of township trustees, members of boards of county commissioners, or any other appointed or elected officers of such political subdivisions, provided that at least one officer from each political subdivision shall be a member of the governing board. Membership on the governing board of a community improvement corporation does not constitute the holding of a public office or employment within the meaning of sections 731.02 and 731.12 of the Revised Code or any other section of the Revised Code. Membership on such governing boards shall not constitute an interest, either direct or indirect, in a contract or expenditure of money by any municipal corporation, township, county, or other political subdivision. No member of such governing boards shall be disqualified from holding any public office or employment, nor shall such member forfeit any such office or employment, by reason of his membership on the governing board of a community improvement corporation notwithstanding any law to the contrary.
Actions taken under this section shall be in accordance with any applicable planning or zoning regulations.
Any agreement entered into under this section may be amended or supplemented from time to time by the parties thereto.
A community improvement corporation designated as the agency of a political subdivision under this section shall promote and encourage the establishment and growth in such subdivision of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research facilities.
(B) Authorization for the community improvement corporation to sell or to lease any lands or interests in lands owned by the political subdivision determined from time to time by the legislative authority thereof not to be required by such political subdivision for its purposes, for uses determined by the legislative authority as those that will promote the welfare of the people of the political subdivision, stabilize the economy, provide employment, and assist in the development of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research activities to the benefit of the people of the political subdivision and will provide additional opportunities for their gainful employment. The legislative authority shall specify the consideration for such sale or lease and any other terms thereof. Any determinations made by the legislative authority under this division shall be conclusive. The community improvement corporation acting through its officers and on behalf and as agent of the political subdivision shall execute the necessary instruments, including deeds conveying the title of the political subdivision or leases, to accomplish such sale or lease. Such conveyance or lease shall be made without advertising and receipt of bids. A copy of such agreement shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder of any county in which lands or interests in lands to be sold or leased are situated prior to the recording of a deed or lease executed pursuant to such agreement. The county recorder shall charge the same fee for the recording, indexing, or making of a certified copy thereof as provided in section 317.32 of the Revised Code.
(C) That the political subdivision executing the agreement will convey to the community improvement corporation lands and interests in lands owned by the political subdivision and determined by the legislative authority thereof not to be required by the political subdivision for its purposes and that such conveyance of such land or interests in land will promote the welfare of the people of the political subdivision, stabilize the economy, provide employment, and assist in the development of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research activities to the benefit of the people of the political subdivision and provide additional opportunities for their gainful employment, for the consideration and upon the terms established in the agreement, and further that as the agency for development the community improvement corporation may acquire from others additional lands or interests in lands, and any lands or interests in land so conveyed by it for uses that will promote the welfare of the people of the political subdivision, stabilize the economy, provide employment, and assist in the development of industrial, commercial, distribution, and research activities required for the people of the political subdivision and for their gainful employment. Any conveyance or lease by the political subdivision to the community improvement corporation shall be made without advertising and receipt of bids. If any lands or interests in land conveyed by a political subdivision under this division are sold by the community improvement corporation at a price in excess of the consideration received by the political subdivision from the community improvement corporation, such excess shall be paid to such political subdivision after deducting, to the extent and in the manner provided in the agreement, the costs of such acquisition and sale, taxes, assessments, costs of maintenance, costs of improvements to the land by the community improvement corporation, service fees, and any debt service charges of the corporation attributable to such land or interests.
Effective Date: 07-01-1993
http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/1724.11 - 1724.11 Confidentiality of information.
(A) When a community improvement corporation is acting as an agent of a political subdivision designated pursuant to section 1724.10 of the Revised Code, both of the following apply:
(1) Any financial and proprietary information, including trade secrets, submitted by or on behalf of an entity to the community improvement corporation in connection with the relocation, location, expansion, improvement, or preservation of the business of that entity held or kept by the community improvement corporation, or by any political subdivision for which the community improvement corporation is acting as agent, is confidential information and is not a public record subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code.
(2) Any other information submitted by or on behalf of an entity to the community improvement corporation in connection with the relocation, location, expansion, improvement, or preservation of the business of that entity held or kept by the community improvement corporation, or by any political subdivision for which the community improvement corporation is acting as agent, is confidential information and is not a public record subject to section 149.43 of the Revised Code, until the entity commits in writing to proceed with the relocation, location, expansion, improvement, or preservation of its business.
(B)(1) When the board of trustees of a community improvement corporation or any committee or subcommittee of such a board meets to consider information that is not a public record pursuant to division (A) of this section, the board, committee, or subcommittee, by unanimous vote of all members present, may close the meeting during consideration of the confidential information. The board, committee, or subcommittee shall consider no other information during the closed session.
(2) Any meeting at which a decision or determination of the board is made in connection with the relocation, location, expansion, improvement, or preservation of the business of the entity shall be open to the public.
Effective Date: 05-17-2000
Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 2:16pm
If this posted memo/plan is true and the names mentioned are still affiliated, to me this is the most depressing and eye-opening situation I could imagine. I don't know why this hasn't been picked up and investigated by the MJ, and hope that they bring this to the public's attention. I also don't know why anyone would be posting about anything else.
So--we have city officials and elected politicians sleeping with big business and the local Chamber of Commerce to groom and fund "selected" and "guided" individuals towards advancing this group's agenda(and probably explains the $60,000 pumped into last election's campaigns of Mayor Mulligan, Councilmember Becker and the failed campaign of Ms.Lawrence). Makes Ms.Scott Jones' election all that more remarkable and a strong victory for the citizen.
We must wonder how this group influenced the selections for the Charter Review Committee, especially the choices of Mayor Mulligan and Mr.Marconi.
We must wonder if this group is now backing Ms.Ford,Mr.Armbruster,Mr.Marconi and Mr.Schiavone in re-election bids, and who else might be on their short list of candidates.
We must wonder how this group's meetings and agenda influenced voting on MANY issues, particularly those affecting the Atrium,AK Steel and Cohen Brothers. Note that this group is headed by Mr.Cohen and includes Mr.McNeil and Mr.McCoy--none of whom reside in the city of Middletown.
I would hope that someone would bring this posted memo/document(if proven authentic) to the attention of legal authorities at the state and federal level to give an opinion on conflicts of interest anywhere.
Maybe time for a few strong individuals outside of this Darth Vader group to re-think running for the perspective ward positions up for grabs in November. We must press the incumbants as to their relationship with this group, and actively target those affiliated for removal at all cost.
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 3:52pm
The MJ , Spider that would entail some investigative type of reporting. Bet they print a prepared piece or editorial from one of the named persons in the Brochure and that is it.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 13 2009 at 6:13pm
spiderjohn wrote:
If this posted memo/plan is true and the names mentioned are still affiliated, to me this is the most depressing and eye-opening situation I could imagine. I don't know why this hasn't been picked up and investigated by the MJ, and hope that they bring this to the public's attention. I also don't know why anyone would be posting about anything else.
So--we have city officials and elected politicians sleeping with big business and the local Chamber of Commerce to groom and fund "selected" and "guided" individuals towards advancing this group's agenda(and probably explains the $60,000 pumped into last election's campaigns of Mayor Mulligan, Councilmember Becker and the failed campaign of Ms.Lawrence). Makes Ms.Scott Jones' election all that more remarkable and a strong victory for the citizen.
We must wonder how this group influenced the selections for the Charter Review Committee, especially the choices of Mayor Mulligan and Mr.Marconi.
We must wonder if this group is now backing Ms.Ford,Mr.Armbruster,Mr.Marconi and Mr.Schiavone in re-election bids, and who else might be on their short list of candidates.
We must wonder how this group's meetings and agenda influenced voting on MANY issues, particularly those affecting the Atrium,AK Steel and Cohen Brothers. Note that this group is headed by Mr.Cohen and includes Mr.McNeil and Mr.McCoy--none of whom reside in the city of Middletown. |
Spot-on, Spider!!
Maybe now we have some insight into all of the insistance for "GOOD NEWS ONLY"; "ingnore the problems"; and so on. Could it be the old mis-direction trick??
And I couldn't understand why they were allowing out-of-towners sit on the boards and commissions. Perhaps that should be strongly stated in the City Charter!
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 10:44am
The direction given to the Charter Review Board by the City Council, notice the first one:
http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/council/272009_m.pdf - http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/council/272009_m.pdf
Look at Structure of Council |
• |
Reduce number to five |
• |
4 Wards and Mayor |
• |
4 At-Large and Mayor |
Term of Mayor |
• Is 4 years too long of a commitment |
Pay Structure for Council and Mayor |
Police and Fire Chief Issue of Hiring from Within |
Do Park Board, Library Board, Civil Service and Health Board need |
to be Charter level issues, can we make them consistent with all |
other boards and commissions? |
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 11:10am
It seems Ms. Gilleland failed to mention being Treasurer of Middletoen Moving Forward as an accomplishment for 2008:
City Manager Gilleland outlined accomplishments from Agenda 2008.
o Establishment of the City Manager’s Task Force on Business Retention, a group of business leaders to make retention visits on the city’s behalf.
o Las Vegas retail recruitment trip and working with Towne Mall owners.
o Working with existing businesses on any opportunity, providing an atmosphere of cooperation and attention to detail.
o City Manager engaged in Chamber of Commerce committees and activities.
o Utilizing and integrating the Small Business Development Center.
o Open for business statement, promotion, open during lunch hours and a one stop shop counter in development.
o Reorganization of downtown efforts and streamlining through the Planning Office.
o Working with the Community Foundation, local banks, and with city funds to incentivize investment/property maintenance.
o Working with the Community Foundation to fund a downtown coordinator to integrate financing, renovation, promotions with downtown activities and recruitment of appropriate businesses.
o Paducah trip with community leaders to examine key successes and failures of redevelopment with an arts community.
o Diversity training planned for entire city staff, boards/commissions/ council in 2009.
o Staff person assigned to Diversity Committee and efforts throughout the year.
o City Managers remains engaged in community diversity affairs.
o Regional meetings with all surrounding entities.
o Efforts ongoing to demolish blighted housing and pursuing Brownfield grants for commercial and industrial.
o Ongoing efforts in housing enforcement on downtown area and commercial areas.
o Realigned building inspection staff to supplement code enforcement.
o In the process of selecting a vendor to administer the Section 8 housing program.
o Ongoing efforts through CDBG, Neighborhood Stabilization Funds.
o Street improvement, citizen-staff-council committee established to examine and make recommendation.
o Overall plan developed for street paving, specifics of individual street
assessment needed.
o $7M in paving being done in 2009 – N. Breiel, SR 122.
o Plan developed for 2009 for basic street maintenance.
o Leveraging grants, state and federal dollars for street projects.
o Council finance subcommittee established.
o Staff meetings monthly with financial advisor to review reports.
o Continuous monitoring of revenue receipts.
o Contingency plan established for short, mid and long term cut backs.
o Integration of budget process through city staff.
o Public Safety Committee of Council meeting quarterly
o Capital repairs at Fire Stations
o Police Station Painting
o Reorganization of city staff – realignment of duties
o Hiring of key personnel
o Sun Coke Project
o Communication and PR with community, use of weekly updates, newspaper columns, media coverage and water bill inserts.
City Manager Gilleland also mentioned some other accomplishments that included demolition of the old hospital and Paychex opening this month. A disappointment that was mentioned was the Forbe’s article that listed Middletown as one of the ten fastest dying cities in the nation.
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 12:05pm
Is Middletown Moving Forward, Inc CIC the Re-incarnation of the Middletown Economic Developement Corporation, with a different agenda. The dates of the demise of the MEDC, 3-31-2005, and the start of Middletown Moving Forward, Inc., 06-07-2005, fit. They are both basically using the Same logo with minor changes to it.
http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/dayton/stories/2005/02/28/story8.html - http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/dayton/stories/2005/02/28/story8.html
Friday, February 25, 2005
Middletown officials decide to drop MEDC
Dayton Business Journal - by http://www.bizjournals.com/search/results.html?Ntt=John%20Wilfong%20And%20Brian%20Womack&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial - John Wilfong And Brian Womack DBJ Staff Reporter
http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/dayton/related_content.html?topic=Middletown%20Economic%20Development%20Corp - Middletown Economic Development Corp. will close its doors at the end of March.
Middletown officials have decided to cease funding the group, which acted as the city's economic development arm, as they rethink their approach to development, said Bill Becker, interim city manager. The city has provided between $100,000 and $150,000 annually for the group's budget for the more than three years since its inception, he said.
"City Council has directed that one of its priorities is economic development," he said. "They want to take a new approach."
He said council has appointed an independent committee to find the best way for the city to continue its economic development efforts, including possibly expanding the city's development department. Becker said the committee's report is expected within the next few weeks.
"I think there's some frustration within the Middletown community that they're not getting their piece of the economic development pie," said Brian Coughlin, Butler County's economic development director. "They're planning out and laying out their future. I think they just want a clean sheet of paper to work from."
Larry Wood, the development group's only director in its short history, was involved in creating the organization out of the previous 40-year-old Middletown Area Development Enterprise Corp. Middletown Economic Development Corp. started as a joint project between the city and The Chamber of Commerce Serving Middletown, Monroe and Trenton, though the city was the primary funding source.
Wood said he does not know what the city plans to do about its economic development efforts.
"I've only been told that they've decided to do something different," he said.
Becker said city leaders are hoping a change will boost development throughout the city at a time when it needs it most. In the past three to four years, Middletown lost nearly 1,000 jobs when several companies, including paper manufacturers Sorg Paper Co. and Crystal Tissue, closed their doors. And AK Steel has cut more than 200 workers in just the past few months.
"We're struggling here in Middletown, as are most other older cities," Becker said. "We need to look at different avenues to best support Middletown."
Coughlin said the potential development expected to follow the construction of the new http://sanfrancisco.bizjournals.com/dayton/related_content.html?topic=Middletown%20Regional%20Hospital - Middletown Regional Hospital represents the future of Middletown. Hospital officials expect the new location to cost between $100 million and $200 million. Work is slated to begin this spring and to be completed by early 2008.
"(The city) is facing some financial difficulties and some difficult choices, but if they can hang on until the hospital opens, they'll have a tremendous, new development engine, especially with all the ancillary development that will spring up around it," he said. "I believe the future of Middletown is on the east side."
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 14 2009 at 12:10pm
http://www.middletownedc.org/MEDC.html - http://www.middletownedc.org/MEDC.html
Board of Directors MEDC
Board of Directors
Mr. Tim Abbot, Cinergy - Manager, Northern Area
Mr. Terrence L. Becraft, Director Specialty Steel Commercial & Business Development
Mr. Tom Blake, Retired President & Owner Blake Steel
Mr. Bill Triick, President Mid Miami Valley Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Jack O'Neill, Retired V.P. First National Bank, Southwest Ohio
Mr. Ron Olson, City Manager Middletown Ohio
Mr. Perry Thatcher, Middletown City Council
Mr. James Shull, President of Shull Realty
Mrs. Mary Jane Palmer, The Palmer Group
Mr. Ken Cohen, Cohen Brothers
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 20 2009 at 11:01am
Just for the record, I want to report that I received an email last evening from City Hall telling me that "Middletown Moving Forward", was NOT involved in "political activities"!!
The "Subject" of the email was: "Moving Middletown Forward"!!!
It's understandable, though. I often have trouble with names myself. (Of course, I've been hit in the head pretty hard. )
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Mar 20 2009 at 4:01pm
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 20 2009 at 4:44pm
Maybe they are talking about someone to get the OLD WRECKING BALL moving downtown.
------------- When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
Posted By: Alien
Date Posted: Mar 23 2009 at 9:29am
Mr. Presta,
Your information is incorrect about Middletown Moving Forward's activities. MMF is the CIC for Middletown, but the group does not have an agenda to promote candidates or any other clandestine activities that you & Mr. Nagy have previously listed and it is my understanding that Mr. Nagy is aware of this. Apparently you have Middletown Moving Forward confused with another group. I appreciate your concern for Middletown, but it would be nice if either of you would post a corrected response.
Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 23 2009 at 9:39am
Also--who actually believes there to be a difference between Middletown Moving Forward and Moving Middletown Forward? Could anyone trace just where this alleged document originated, who brought it into where for printing, who was to pay for the printing, and to whom this document was to be distributed?
Too many weird stories and un-connected ends to it all, imo.
Nothing new.
VERY disappointed in the new chosen direction of our city manager.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 23 2009 at 9:45am
Mr. Alien:
And you know this how, sir?
Can you tell us who this "Moving Middletown Forward" group is?
Can you explain why no one from "Middletown Moving Forward" has come forward to make a statement on the matter?
Are you aware of everything that either Mr. Nagy or I have discovered as we investigated this subect?
Exactly where are we incorrect in what we have stated?
What facts do you have to back up your general denial (cloaked in anonymity, I might add)?
At least Mr. Nagy and I have a track record of sorts on these blogs, and post under our real names. The readers can judge for themselves what weight to allow our OPINIONS.
What credence have you established? I would be pleased to meet and discuss this issue with ANYONE who has information. Then, IF I am wrong, I will certainly post on exactly the same forums--and just as loudly--my errors and the TRUTH!
The TRUTH is my goal, but with City Hall, the TRUTH seems to be difficult fo find, and is often cloaked in secrecy!!
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Mar 23 2009 at 9:33pm
You Sir, are alien to the truth about Middletown Moving Forward. How do you know that MMF the CIC for Middletown does not have an agenda to promote candidates or any other clandestine activities that were listed not by me and Mike Presta but were on the agenda that was posted? I am not aware as you state that they don't. If you are so certain that we have Middletown Moving forward confused with another group please tell us what other group we are referring to because we don't know of any other group with such a name or with the name Moving Middletown Forward. Do you? Thank you that you approve of our concern for Middletown for that concern of ours is very true and very deep. We cannot post a corrected response because we have not had a corrected response that has been documented. People saying there are two different groups doesn't prove it. Saying it doesn't make it so! Why don't you give us the proof and we shall post the corrected response.
Thank you.
Paul Nagy
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 24 2009 at 1:33pm
Mr. Nagy:
Apparently, you ask and someone answers!
http://www.middletownjournal.com/o/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/middletownnews/entries/2009/03/24/whats_in_a_name.html - What’s in a name?
By http://www.middletownjournal.com/o/content/shared-gen/blogs/dayton/middletownnews/entries/2009/03/24/whats_in_a_name.html#postcomment - Ed Richter | Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 10:37 AM
Apparently an organization with a similar name has recently created some local confusion for the Middletown Moving Forward Community Improvement Corp.
Another organization, calling itself Moving Middletown Forward Committee has announced plans for recruiting candidates for Middletown City Council this fall for the four ward seats that are up for election.
That organization also announced plans for fundraising, speech coaching, public relations, and “quietly helping groom selected candidates and making sure they get on the ballot before announcing campaign support for the four candidates.”
In addition, the Moving Middletown Forward Committee said it wants to “keep issues to a minimum and goals for candidates. When recruiting, make sure candidates are on board concerning objectives and issues.”
The organization stated other goals to “consider ballot issue which would change the makeup of City Council,” and “consider future ballot issue which would make Butler County Commission more responsive by adding two members and dividing the commission in what would essentially be wards.”
While the Moving Middletown Forward Committee has some interesting ideas, it is just the opposite of what the Middletown Moving Forward CIC is focused on — the economic development of the city.
Ken Cohen, president of Middletown Moving Forward CIC, said “economic development is our focus.”
Cohen said there is no reason for the local CIC to be involved in local politics.
Les Landen, city law director, said Middletown Moving Forward CIC is a non-profit organization and is supposed to be nonpolitical.
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Pacman
Date Posted: Mar 24 2009 at 1:57pm
Mike you had to dig for that one I still can't find it, other than going by your link above.
Looks like he pulled some stuff off this blog and then called Les and Cohen and said, "Ok I'm done for the day." 
------------- When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.
Thomas Jefferson
Posted By: Alien
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 6:39am
Mr. Nagy & Mr. Presta,
Before I had a chance to respond, it appears that Ed Richter answered the question for me. Moving Middletown Forward is the group that is recruiting candidates and the other issues you were concerned about. Middletown Moving Forward is Middletown's CIC and, as Mr. Cohen stated, only interested in economic development issues to improve the business climate in Middletown. Hopefully this is enough evidence to convince you that your postings were inaccurate, and the accusations that Middletown Moving Forward has some hidden agenda are unfounded.
As I said in my previous post, I applaud your concern for the City, but it is important to have the correct information so that you do not damage the efforts of others who are also trying to improve the City. Given the similarity of the names of the organization, it would be easy to confuse the groups. I look forward to your response correcting this matter.
Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 7:16am
I do hope you understand our concern about the simularity in names of these organizations since both are asking for public support & donations.
Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 7:47am
Come on Mr.Richter, Alien and everyone:
Why the similarity in organizational names?
IF Mrs.Mort is heading this political group as she did for the last Council elections, you can check the names on that list of who funded the larger donations for three Council candidates(Mr.Mulligan,Mr.Becker and Ms.Lawrence).
A lot of the same names on the CIC.
Not saying anything illegal is happening(also not saying the opposite), though Mr.Landen sounded a clear warning, imo. Seated Councilmembers such as Mayor Mulligan and Mr.Becker have consistently voted towards the CIC's thinking, and our sitting Mayor,Councilmember Marconi and city Manager are still listed as CIC members.
Something still smells here, and the MJ seems inclined to bury the issue with Mr.Richter's puff piece(which raises more ?s than gives answers).
Maybe meeting minutes,records and dates of the CIC should be reviewed.
Since the local Chamber is involved with the CIC, any member should be able to request such documents and meeting schedules.
Hopefully this issue is far fromn dead and buried.
Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 8:35am
Do they really think we believe that the similarity in organizational names was an accident? 
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 11:46am
spiderjohn wrote:
Maybe meeting minutes,records and dates of the CIC should be reviewed.
Since the local Chamber is involved with the CIC, any member should be able to request such documents and meeting schedules. |
Since the CIC is a PUBLIC/private partnership and so many public officials are invovled, such information should be PUBLIC documents.
PS: Since Mr. Landen is the "registered agent" for the group, he should be able to quickly fill any requests for public documents. (I hope someone asks for them. I have a doctor's appt.)
PPS: I will be responding to Mr. Alien later this afternoon!
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 1:45pm
Alien wrote:
Mr. Nagy & Mr. Presta,
Before I had a chance to respond, it appears that Ed Richter answered the question for me. | Mr. Alien:
Well, it may “appear” that way to you, but it does not “appear” that way to me. Here are the questions that I asked you (I will number them for your convenience in replying):
1. And you know this how, sir? [Referring to you statement that my “information is incorrect about Middletown Moving Forward's activities”.]
2. Can you tell us who this "Moving Middletown Forward" group is?
3. Can you explain why no one from "Middletown Moving Forward" has come forward to make a statement on the matter?
4. Are you aware of everything that either Mr. Nagy or I have discovered as we investigated this subect?
5. Exactly where are we incorrect in what we have stated?
6, What facts do you have to back up your general denial (cloaked in anonymity, I might add)?
7. At least Mr. Nagy and I have a track record of sorts on these blogs, and post under our real names. The readers can judge for themselves what weight to allow our OPINIONS. What credence have you established?
I cannot find the answers to any of these questions within Mr. Richter’s article (except for perhaps a "quasi-answer" to number 3). Perhaps my reading comprehension skills are lacking? If so, can you assist me by quoting the words in the article that answer each question? Thank you in advance for your help.
Alien wrote:
Moving Middletown Forward is the group that is recruiting candidates and the other issues you were concerned about. | Yes, I understand, but please, consider the following:
1. How unlikely it is that two different groups would have such similar names.
2. That Middletown Moving Forward has not come forward to DENY or clarify that it is not the same as, or associated with, the group that generated the document we have described. (Mr. Cohen’s remarks in Richter’s article only address “Middletown Moving Forward CIC”, but do not either address or deny knowledge of “Moving Middletown Forward”. It is certainly not unheard of for people to be involved in more than one group. Just look at all of the groups with which the various members of City Council are associated, many of whom compete for the same tax dollars.)
3. That no one else has come forward to claim to be Moving Middletown Forward.
Alien wrote:
Middletown Moving Forward is Middletown's CIC and, as Mr. Cohen stated, only interested in economic development issues to improve the business climate in Middletown. | Yes, I understand what they are saying, what they are “supposed” to be, and except for the last three or four sentences of Mr. Richter’s article, we have reported all of that right here in this thread, or in the thread referenced at the beginning of the very first post of this thread. That other thread is: http://middletownusa.com/forum/default.asp - Forum Home > http://middletownusa.com/forum/default.asp?C=4 - Middletown Community > http://middletownusa.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=27 - Middletown News, Info and Happenings > http://middletownusa.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1077 - State Of The City Address-Upbeat/Realistic . The portion of the thread to which I am referring begins with Mr. Impala’s post of 11 Mar 2009 at 2:29pm.
Alien wrote:
Hopefully this is enough evidence to convince you that your postings were inaccurate, and the accusations that Middletown Moving Forward has some hidden agenda are unfounded. | Evidence? Sorry, but I must once again ask your help. Please point out to me exactly where in either Mr. Richter’s article or your post I find the “evidence”.
Alien wrote:
As I said in my previous post, I applaud your concern for the City, ... | Thank you, but no applause is necessary. I just want to get to the truth, and I really, really do appreciate your helping me to do so!
Alien wrote:
… but it is important to have the correct information so that you do not damage the efforts of others who are also trying to improve the City. | You are correct! And I hope that everyone tries to disseminate the true and accurate information until this matter is perfectly clear. There have been many times that I have felt that others have tried to damage my efforts to improve our city.
Alien wrote:
Given the similarity of the names of the organization, it would be easy to confuse the groups. | Yes, I certainly agree. I had difficulty myself. As you state, it would be easy for someone to become confused and mistakenly type “Moving Middletown” instead of “Middletown Moving” when hurriedly trying to dash off a flyer to be handed out at meeting, for example. It would be just as easy for someone proofreading such a flyer to overlook such an error. When I was researching all of this, I confused the two several times and had to check and recheck to be certain that I was correct.
Alien wrote:
I look forward to your response correcting this matter. | And here it is!
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 3:32pm
Please quit quibbling and respond directly and plainly. Your generalities give us nothing that corrects anything that we should correct. Ed Richter didn't answer anything anymore than you or Les Landen did. Ed Richter simply copied everything off of the document and added a comment by Ken Cohen. You, Ed Richter, Ken Cohen and Les Landen saying there is another group called Moving Middletown Forward doesn't make it so. Prove there is another group called Moving Middletown forward and we will have to correct ourselves. I'm plainly stating that no one has proved there is such a group. I personally believe it is the same group and whoever typed the Document simply got the name wrong. But what I believe isn't important. The truth is important. You so strongly affirm that a group known as "Moving Middletown Forward" exists and has a different agenda, if you know this for a fact - please prove it. Tell us who they are, when they came into existence, when they wrote and put that document out, etc. We all might want to join. We are just as interested in improving the business climate and improving the city. We need deep, serious changes in Middletown. Give us the correct information you say we do not have. I look forward to your response with names, places, etc. So that we can set the record straight. I won't hold my breath tho.
I appreciate and look forward to your answer.
Paul Nagy
Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Mar 25 2009 at 4:05pm
Actually this situation has just come to life, and probably will have many twists and turns as we move into the fall election campaigns.
A lot of interesting and pointed ?s for Council candidates will be forthcoming, including ties to either MMF or other organizations, along with hard ?s on issues.
Also a close following of the actions/meetings of the MMF CIC and their individual members.
Hey--maybe we should all join these organizations to share our ideas and input!
Posted By: Alien
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 10:01am
I noticed in today's weekly update to Council that Ms. Gilleland addressed the confusion about MMF. Her comments were as follows:
"There has been some confusion about our Community Improvement Corporation: “Middletown Moving Forward”, which is a city-sponsored organization formed to provide economic development opportunities and another organization whose name is similar, but has nothing to do with the city. The other organization is using the name of “Moving Middletown Forward” and seems to be promoting political candidates. Obviously, the city organization is not related to the other organization."
I am sure some of you will choose to believe that this is a smoke screen attempting to cover up some clandestine organization, but her words are truthful and accurate. A lot of the issues on Middletown USA are legitimate concerns and worth the energy - the MMF issue is a waste of your time.
Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 11:03am
Once again in your zeal to protect the situation you say that Ms. Gilliland's words are truthful and accurate. Yet, neither you nor she offer any proof that "another group" exists. We repeat, saying it doesn't make it so. Who is the other group? When did it start? If this group does honestly and legally exist it will end the matter. If it does not, you are wrong again when you say "the MMF issue is a waste of time". Why don't you quit wasting our time and give us the facts of this group that you so strongly attempt to protect and the matter will be over? Nothing that you say has substance and is starting to get in my craw. This is not a game. This is a serious matter that has to do with serious issues like corruption, election fraud and democracy.
Paul Nagy
Posted By: Truth Teller
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 11:54am
If only Middletown had 10 more truth-seekers such as Paul Nagy our community would be such an improved place to live!
When I moved here two years ago I was told by a city employee and prominent S. Main Street mansion owner to watch out for Mr. Nagy. Well, two years later my response to his bogus warning is like that of General Patton - NUTS!
Keep up the good work Paul as the truth will eventually reach the light of day!
Nelson Self
CD Administrator ("Resigned")
Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 12:12pm
Can someone tell us where to find the original document that proclaimed that MMF is procuring political candidates to further their agenda? What facility can we go to and retrieve these hard-copy documents?
Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 12:56pm
Well alien--YES, I see this response as a smoke screen. Hiowever I hardly view this(these) organization(s) as clandestine.
We will see how this issue unfolds, as it has hardly gone away. Actually certainly should come into play increasingly as new candidates emerge and we get get closer to election time. It will probably be VERY interesting.
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 2:42pm
Can you or Ms. Gilleland explain who comprises this "other organization"?
They are using a name so very similar to the name of the "Community Improvement Corporation" that one would think that the city, and especially members of the board of directors of the CIC would be very eager to root them out and take them to task.
You seem to be knowledgeable on the subject and interested in clearing up the matter. Who IS this "other organization"???
Rather than coming here and anonymously telling us that we are wrong, without telling who this "other organization" is, why not find the facts, put them on the table, and then we can all move on to other things.
Until this is cleared up, we have a civic duty NOT to let it go away. Surely, as a good citizen, you understand that, don't you?
Thanks in advance for your help.
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 2:57pm
2000+ This all started with a post by Impala SS on 11 March 09 at 2:29PM. The post is located in the Middletown Info and Happenings section under the topic- " State of the City Address- Upbeat and Realistic" posted by me. Impala SS wanted some feedback on what this group was all about. Pacman cleaned it up on his post.
Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 3:17pm
Thanks VietVet - but don't we need more than just posts on a blog? Aren't there tangible documents somewhere that states the agenda of MMF? If not, then where did this information come from?
Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 3:37pm
2000+ The only other thing I found that mentions Moving Middletown Forward was an old blog from the Dayton Daily News from Ed Richter titled " What's In A Name" dated 3/24/09. Mike had responded a couple of times to Richter's blog and asked Richter where this info. came from. No response from Richter apparently. Bet Richter knows who's connected with this group, but he ain't about to tell us as he wants to protect his sources. ?????
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 3:49pm
2000+ wrote:
Can someone tell us where to find the original document that proclaimed that MMF is procuring political candidates to further their agenda? What facility can we go to and retrieve these hard-copy documents? |
2000+: Go to this thread (also in the "City Council" category):
http://middletownusa.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=1120 - MMF--Actual scan of "the document" By http://middletownusa.com/forum/member_profile.asp?PF=101 - Mike_Presta , 18 Mar 2009 at 8:22pm
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: 2000+
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 4:06pm
Thank you Mr. P - but can you tell me where this document originally came from and can I get a copy from whatever source you used?
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 17 2009 at 5:40pm
2000+ wrote:
Thank you Mr. P - but can you tell me where this document originally came from and can I get a copy from whatever source you used? |
I absolutely can--but unfortunatly, right now I will not.
All of Middletown will be shocked when that information is disclosed, but if I do so now, some "big fish" may escape. We are continuing to try to tie down everyone involved, and we can't understand why City Hall isn't interested in clearing this up, can you?
I assure you that the source is credible, the document is genuine, and all that remains is to identify the rest of those behind "Middletown Moving Forward"...oops...I mean "MOVING Middletown Forward". (Sorry, pelase excuse me, but it is just so easy to mix up those two names!)
Anyone having information would be wise to come forward now.
I would be especially grateful for any help that Alien could give us.
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
Posted By: Mike_Presta
Date Posted: Apr 19 2009 at 12:45am
Mr. Alien:
While we await your reply with evidence of the identity of the "other" group, I would like to repost a portion of an item I Posted on 13 Mar 2009 at 6:13am on this forum under the thread: http://middletownusa.com/forum/default.asp - Forum Home > http://middletownusa.com/forum/default.asp?C=4 - Middletown Community > http://middletownusa.com/forum/forum_topics.asp?FID=27 - Middletown News, Info and Happenings > Topic: State Of The City Address-Upbeat/Realistic:
I copied the following DIRECTLY from the MINUTES of the December 6, 2006 City Council meeting (here is the link: ( http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/council/12122006_m.pdf - http://www.ci.middletown.oh.us/docs/council/12122006_m.pdf ):
On Page one, under "City Council Interviews", there was the following heading:
"City Council members asked predetermined questions that were mailed to the candidates in advance of the interviews. Each candidate answered the following questions:"
The last question on that page was:
"● The business community hopes that the Middletown City Council will continue to give top priority to and maintain the momentum for economic development through its CIC, Middletown Moving Forward.
How will you support keeping the economic development strategy, Middletown Moving Forward, in place and with high priority?"
This was a question that the council and city manager at that time (which included many members of "Middletown MOVING Forward", CIC) decided to asked every single candidate being interviewed for an APPOINTMENT by that body to fill an empty council seat.
Doesn't this sound very much like an attempt to find someone to match the stated goals of "MOVING Middletown Forward", if indeed we do happen to find that they are one and the same?
------------- “Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012