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Business Friendly Middletown

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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
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    Posted: Jul 30 2014 at 7:21pm

Posted: 5:45 p.m. Wednesday, July 30, 2014


City manager: A business friendly Middletown key for 2015

By Michael D. Pitman

Staff Writer


The city manager in Butler County’s second-largest city wants latitude to offer economic incentives, shed the city’s “business-unfriendly” reputation, and have a stronger focus on economic development in 2015.

Middletown City Council and City Manager Doug Adkins discussed various issues facing the city — from the fire department layoffs to the city’s master plan — during a council retreat Tuesday at Atrium Medical Center.

Among the goals discussed for 2015 was to bring new jobs to the city.

Adkins said he should have the authority to offer a certain level of tax incentives, such as waiving certain city fees or abating a certain level of income taxes, without city council approval.

This would allow the city, Adkins said, to keep up with the speed of business by committing to a basic economic development package for a prospective new business without having wait until the next City Council meeting for approval.

The city has had a reputation of being business unfriendly, and Adkins said, “We are going to solve that before the end of the year.”

Being more business friendly means updating the city’s zoning code and master plan, and streamlining the process to allow business owners who wish to move into the city, or to expand in the city, Adkins said.

“When we go into ’15, not only will we have the incentives ready, we will have the ability to easily move in and do business in the city of Middletown,” Adkins said.

The city manager will also recommend that council create a second economic development program manager position. The person in that position would “go out and bang on the East End, especially if we’re offering these other incentives,” he said. “We’re going to have a lot more traffic with small and medium businesses. We’re going to need the manpower to handle it.”

A potential sacrifice for such a focus on economic development could be local road paving projects.

In his preliminary planning, Adkins has redirected money that would be designated for local road paving in 2015 toward economic development and related issues.

“I would like (City Council) to consider not doing the local paving program in 2015 and let me to see if I can’t jack up our economic development and start building capacity,” he said.

This proposal would not affect the repaving projects of Oxford State Road, Yankee Road and Central Avenue, which will move forward in 2015 because of state and federal funds being tied to those projects.

Vice Mayor Joe Mulligan said the proposal “warrants further discussion” but that council will work with Adkins on trying to accomplish the goals.

Adkins said the city is around $120 million behind in paving, and if the city doesn’t build capacity, “we won’t ever be able to start catching up.”

Councilwoman Dora Bronston said she’s still “pensive” about the retreat but said the city has to speed up the permitting process and eliminate some of the hoops businesses have to jump through to locate in the city.


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acclaro View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote acclaro Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 30 2014 at 7:54pm
Hilarious isn't it.

Lets have city manager bypass city council when every minor vote today is always an emergency.

And all those tax incentives are going to have companies banging Middletown's door down? Taxes are just part of the problem, a hundred other issues are in front, and an extra economic development director isn't going to accomplish anything.

As a matter of fact, what happened to all the activity and cash Mike Robinette was going to make and bring forth from GeoCRE, and his vast array of contacts and abilities? Nothing, not even a theater. And, aren't there other commercial real estate people dying for commission, but can't close the east end?

Every time I read these articles, discussions of a trip to Greenville, Paducah, C State, all I can say is the following:

"Floundering", "clueless", "throwing everything on the wall hoping something will stick", "no traction", "rudderless sail with no direction." Its hopeless. New guy same as the other guys and gals. Just awful. 
'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill
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Vivian Moon View Drop Down
MUSA Council
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Vivian Moon Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 30 2014 at 10:07pm

How many people do we need for Economic Development?
We funded MMF to over see East End Development for $75,000
We fund Downtown
, Inc each year $25,000
Then we fund the E
Development Department….????
How many people are in this department now and what is the total payroll?

I do not believe we need to increase employees or payroll at City Hall since we will need to make major cuts to the 2015 Budget.
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over the hill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 30 2014 at 10:26pm
Robinette is out of the picture. He's lost his credibility with any funding oppertunities that might have been.
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Mike_Presta View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Mike_Presta Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 5:14am

“The city has had a reputation of being business unfriendly, Adkins said,…”

WHAT??? No!!!  Who'd have thunk it???

“Being more business friendly means updating the city’s zoning code and master plan, and streamlining the process to allow business owners who wish to move into the city, or to expand in the city…”

GASP!!!  Oh no!!! Ya gotta be kidding me!!!

Maybe being “business unfriendly” even means NOT discouraging ALL businesses not associated with arts, antiques, history, “olde tyme MiddleTowne”, and the like from coming to our fair city!!!   

Gee…I wish I would've thought of those things!!!  Confused

The next thing you know he’ll be suggesting that we dispose of the Draconian Historic Commission!!!

“Mulligan said he ... doesn’t believe they necessarily make the return on investment necessary to keep funding them.” …The Middletown Journal, January 30, 2012
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VietVet View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote VietVet Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 6:29am
Allowing the city manager to bypass council is a bad idea, although council is so weak and naive, they will approve any old thing thrown at them. It is dangerous to eliminate a checks and balance system, at least in a normal government environment. Then again, we do not have that normal government situation in this town, do we. Adkins should not be given singular decision-making authority in any situation. We can't have a person conducting city business on their own. Government activity needs to be monitored, especially in this town.

Adding to the Econ. Dev. Dept? Why? This is one of the most underperforming departments in the city building. Why ramp up manpower to a department that has not shown any major activity in years? Illogical. Try expecting more out of the ones who are there now.

City reputation for being business unfriendly?

So, the city allows some players to ruin the image and reputation for business attraction for decades, and, all of a sudden, Adkins and company realize the errors of their ways and want to correct it by 2015?......hmmmm, probably not

Kohler is a chief player in establishing that reputation. Before you begin to repair the damage, you need to rid the city of the perpetrators of the problem. Kohler would be the chief culprit with his little self-imposed rules. Why hasn't he been relieved of his duties? What will it take to rid the city of this person?

Pulling from the paving fund? Mercy, another reason from the city leaders not to pave the streets. Adkins, the leaders back in the 80's have already decimated the road repair money by not re-establishing the road fund decades ago. You see the result from that poor decision. Now, you want to pilfer more money meant for roads? Have you driven on these lousy streets lately son?

Is it possible in this city that we will never again place people in leadership roles with any common sense or who can demonstrate competency?
I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.
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over the hill View Drop Down
MUSA Citizen
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 7:56am
Well, since the South Main St. Group got their section paved, to hell with rest of our streets. We're not worthy. As for giving Adkins unchecked authority, are you kidding me! You haven't noticed how easily he slips into gray areas. No No that's a bad idea. IMO
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over the hill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 9:12am
Also VV you are absolutely correct about Marty Kohler. Please show me ONE project he has headed that has had a meaningful result. Why do we have to keep pointing this out to council, do they have that short memorys. There's Lake Mistake, Section 8, the MANY corporations that have located elsewhere because of the many hoops and road blocks presented by him. He was moved from dept to dept by Judy to keep him employed. He needs to go! Judy said we didn't have money to up grade our zoning laws. That's not an excuse. Those zoning questions could be handled on case by case basis. With our "home rule" form of governing Mr. Landon manages to get things done when THEY want it. Right or wrong. We don't need more ED people just what you said have the ones there do their job or find someone who wil..that's definitely not Marty. IMO
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Dean View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Dean Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 1:23pm
Doug Adkins and his comments are like a dirty, filthy, poor service, and bad food Burger King or Arby's, where no one would go to buy food. A new manager comes in and says, 'we know we were terrible before, but the new manager is in town, and we mop the floor now, and we will get your order correct.'
He expects using this comparison, businesses will be running to Middletown, because the hamburger place that was so bad, knows it had problems, and its going to fix the, He tells the top brass at BK or McD, business will be great, because all the customers that know we were bad before, know we are trying to offer decent service, knowing the customers have left to go to Chik Filet, Steak and Shake, elsewhere.
The pipe dream on Middletown's rise from the ashes has been years in the making.      
OPEN FOR BUSINESS means little. West Chester and Mason are light years ahead.
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over the hill View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 6:13pm
Dean: you are right about that. We sat on our hands while Austin Pike became a money magnet. We watched West Chester get businesses that could have come to Middletown. We spent all,our money on the down town. Have you noticed the exchange at 123 and 75 and the exchange at 63 and 75? Looks nice. Where's the money we had put aside for the exchange at 122? I wonder if Dougie is smart enough to see we need a nice gas station at our exchange. What's the 3 things travelers want. Gas, food and lodging. We have two out of three. You have to get them to stop before you can get them any further into town. We need to be contacting interested parties to get the ball rolling. Judy isn't here any longer to stop it. IMO
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409 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote 409 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 7:04pm
Judy turned into a puppet. Sam, Slagle & the south main bunch mostly pulled her strings.
Every morning is the dawn of a new error...
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over the hill View Drop Down
MUSA Citizen
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote over the hill Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jul 31 2014 at 9:17pm
409: don't we know that. It has cost us dearly. These people have no conscience. I don't know how they can look in the mirror in the mornings knowing what they have done to our city. Pathetic! Well Judy has to know they will cast her aside and move on to the next "patsy" they think they can manipulate to do their bidding. It is time to say enough is enough. I am not a big Dougie fan but if he can do half of what he thinks he can do more power to him. ( well I don't really mean more power to Dougie that would be a big mistake) He cannot be trusted he has already proven that with his lies and manipulations from the past. To gives him "Carte Blanche" would be a terrible mistake. IMO
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