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Property sales could see arise in price.

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Sep 20 2024 at 8:59pm

Topic: Property sales could see arise in price.
Subject: Property sales could see arise in price.
Date Posted: Jul 02 2014 at 9:20pm
Now that the city has relinquish there oversight of the HUD program maybe we will see a rise in interest of new buyers/investors come back into town with the lure of a better bang for the buck. Middletown property has been on a down slide it seems since the city staff voiced there opinion on taking out the landlords in that UC report. I for one am glade to see them back to there own business and out of the private sector of people management because that's what it seemed like they were trying to do with the program.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 10:49am
What you say is almost as funny and inaccurate as the city stating the downtown revitalization is occurring, Middletown is coming back.

Middletown is going to see a rise in property valuation because of section 8 landlords, and vouchers remain the same?


'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 11:23am
Catalysts for property increases in Middletown.

1. Schools need to improve to the point that they will attract those higher income wage earners that care about quality education and may locate here. That would be more disposable income and create money flow in the community. Unfortunately, the schools are light years away from this accomplishment and because they are unwilling to change their operation and teaching methods for effectiveness, most of us will not see this in our lifetimes at the current pace nor will we stand a prayer's chance of luring high income wage earners.

2. City image needs to totally reverse compared to the perception now. City needs to unload the banner of low income capital of SW Ohio, and change the "ghetto theme" that has been evolving for the last decade or two. The city has gone from a respectable, hard-working blue collar community worthy of raising a family here, to a label of low income, ghetto-like wasteland offering little to nothing as to quality of life.

3. City needs to put as much emphasis on higher wage job creation as it does in downtown creation. Totally wrong city priorities to fix what ails this city. Decent paying jobs will attract those desiring a respectable standard of living and when money is spent in a community it attracts businesses which will create more choices in shopping, job opportunities and entertainment. Stop the fluffy nonsense that does nothing to help this city and focus on the important aspect of re-vitalization. Totally clueless on how to diagnose and repair the short and long term issues.

4. City competency/ common sense logic.....let's regain it. Doing the right thing the right way with the resources we have.....what a concept!!! It just might work if we had city leaders that were smart enough to try it.

IMO, until this happens, nothing will change nor any category you wish to discuss.

And now the problem. The people in charge of running this city don't comprehend any of this thinking.......or, sadly, they refuse to change their inept behavior that is tailored to a few while the majority get left out in the cold.

I'm so proud of my hometown and what it has become. Recall 'em all. Let's start over.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 11:41am
I have spoken to many affluent individuals outside of the city. By far, I can attest the most frequent, if not only respon se given by these people about their perception of Middletown, and its negative delivery, is the fact that Middletown has not, and will not, take care of its road system. When outsiders see such neglect, it exemplifies lack of pride, decency, integrity, and an unwillngness to function at the most core level of functionality.

All the other elements of section 8, the poor, all that the city throws out, is not even on the radar screen of most looking in to the city of Middletown. They look at a city unwillingly to maintain its self, and provide services to its residents including leaf removal. Then they think for a moment, pause, and say, I want nothing to do with the city of Middletown ever.

Now, residents say exactly the same. It isn't worth it.  

'An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.' - Winston Churchill

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 1:11pm

Several years ago the Planning Board decided that all the 40 x 200 lots could not longer have homes rebuilt on them.

So now all over the 1
st and 2nd Wards you see empty demo lots that the city must now maintain. If the neighbor does not want to purchase the demo property it could set empty for years. 

City Hall may think that the demo of all this property was a great…however…with the demo of each property is another $1000 to $1500 in property taxes that are now gone forever from the coffers of City Hall.

Posted By: over the hill
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 1:40pm
It's amazing, it seems so simple really it's just common sense. Do the math. Empty lots produce only weeds. No tax base,no income. Some of the houses Dougie was so quick to tear down were houses that could have been rehabed and would be producing a tax base and income from the people living there. Why is this concept so hard for council to understand? I haven't heard ONE council member ask if rehabbing is an option on any of these properties. Hamilton offers some of their properties for sale for rehab.Why is this so hard for Dougie to understand? I think it's his personality that he doesn't like to be told no or told what to do. So this is troubling since council is HIS boss. Or are we going to have the same "tail wag the dog" we had with Judy?

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 1:56pm
Well we all know for a fact that the population is in decline
We also know that property taxes are still in decline
Business owners are leaving our city and yet city employees are still receiving increases in wages.
The only way City Hall can get out of this mess is an increase in taxes which will only hurt the city more in the long run.

Posted By: Perplexed
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 2:17pm
My heart goes out to Vivian, Acclaro, Over The Hill, Viet Vet, etc., etc. Over the past 15 years in particular, the plans, policies and programs of City Councils and most senior level City bureaucrats have sucked the life out of Middletown. And, just think, Judy G. rebranded the City only a few years ago. Her actions and that of the Dougmeister only confirmed what Forbes Magazine so accurately said about the City. With a new City Manager, I'm afraid that the slow decline will continue to occur. How many more rehabable homes will he and Mr. Fooks be demolishing thereby accelerating the number of weed and trash strewn lots?

Posted By: over the hill
Date Posted: Jul 03 2014 at 2:23pm
Haven't seen any bulldozers around lately. I heard they are out of money. Now what?

Posted By: over the hill
Date Posted: Jul 10 2014 at 10:51am
I see in the paper the city has dodged another law suit from the EPA saying they won't sue over the Miami Packaging clean up I guess if the city gets it cleaned up. Where is that money going to come from? Well now they have more time to figure out how to handle all the other law suits. LOL

Posted By: FmrMide81
Date Posted: Jul 10 2014 at 11:56am
I heartily disagree with Perplexed-I don't think the slow decline will continue under Dougie's rule-I think it's gonna accelerate into a friggin' landslide...

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