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Are You Kidding Me?

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Category: Middletown City Government
Forum Name: City Council
Forum Description: Discuss individual members and council as a legislative body.
Printed Date: Jun 01 2024 at 4:59am

Topic: Are You Kidding Me?
Posted By: Smartman
Subject: Are You Kidding Me?
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 8:17am

Young councilman’s first year sheds interesting light on council

    • Updated 3:37 AM Saturday, January 15, 2011

MIDDLETOWN — During the past year, it’s been hard not to take notice of Councilman A.J. Smith for a variety of reasons. Smith, the youngest person ever elected on Middletown City Council, has garnered attention for his political actions as well as his personal ones.

The 21-year-old has shown up in police reports at least three times this year. Pick up a copy of this Sunday’s Middletown Journal for our print-exclusive interview with the councilman, where he talks about the lessons learned during his first year as an elected official.

Are you kidding me, Middletown Journal??? What a crock!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 10:07am
Cheap underhanded way of enticing people to take home delivery instead of reading on-line. The Journal is struggling to gain back all the people who have canceled subscriptions to their lousy newspaper. This is the price they pay for pasting AP filler stories and out of town news in their daily paper. It is also the price they pay for choosing to be the media puppet for the 's at city hall and some on council. People in this town don't want to read their city laced propaganda and are eliminating them from their budgets. Get tired of seeing them in the entryway of Kroger's begging for you to purchase a subscription package from them. A once proud, competent newspaper that hasn't a clue about investigative journalism, juvenile reporting and has been totally intimidated by the city leaders. Sad to see what it has become since it became part of the Dayton Daily News group. They have ruined it. MUSA has taken it's place for providing the truth on what is really happening in this town. More people join this forum than sign up for the Journal. They have no credibility anymore. JMO

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 11:51am
yes cox news has turned the MJ to trash.. im sure none of the story will have, AJ why would you think a lady working at applebee's would get naked for you while working, so the whole place can see???  and do you know that you broke laws when leaving applebee's and if a cop would have seen this you could have been charged with open container, reckless driving, and Driving While Intoxicated.. and AJ do you know that the lady could file "sexual harassment" charges on you??  so AJ here is your chance to explain this to the people of middletown and why you think anyone should respect you as a person and council person to speak for the people of this city!!

Posted By: jag123
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 3:11pm
Don't covict Mr. Smith on the "naked and sexual harassment" stuff...that was Mr. Robinette!

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 4:26pm

  im sure this 21 year old going on 15 was getting his jolly's sitting with his drinking buds..   

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 15 2011 at 10:22pm
I wouldnt buy a copy of the Middletucky Urnial just to read what he has to say  cos what comes out of his mouth will be a lie.He needs to go and if council doesnt see that then all of them need to get the hell out.We need people that are going to listen to the people not one's that are going to do as the damn well please.Big%20smile

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 12:12am
I am at a loss with this Smith guy. He goes down and files a police report over a text from someone asking him a simple question. (if the text happen) Are the cops chasing this phone texter down, if so then this is the thrid time that Smith has wasted tax payer money by using the police and their time.
This guy is a joke and loves to see his name in the paper. I cant wait for his term to be over. I can bet you anything that in an at large election he would never win a seat on council. I just cant get over how big of a joke he really is. If I hear him say "with all do respect" one more time I might flip out. Aj. do you think those words make you smarter or sound smarter. I mean go watch a tape and listen to yourself.
As for something someone said about council should get rid of him. I am sad to say that we I mean they dont have the ability to do so. :) Aj, see you Tuesday

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 9:09am
more ??? that should be asked, AJ at what point of your conversation with this lady did you think it was ok to say .f.  .u. to this lady???

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:05am
The article in the journal was the biggest bunch of BS I have ever read. AJ states that he is only human. Well be responsible!! You have control over your own actions. When you are in public office you live under the microscope. That means AJ you need to watch every move you make.
It appears that you need to resign, get your life in order, go to some anger mangement classes, maybe AA, get a real job and stop finding ways  to see your name in print. If you are so concerned with the city's budget, then why are you tying up police time with meaningless investigations? You are threatened by a text message? Oh please just ignore it! Its not like someone is in your grill! If you feel that you were threatened to the point of needing police protection, well maybe there is more to the story. Angry Resign and just go away!!!! Clap

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:31am

here we go again!!!! the MAN admitted he made a mistake. LEAVE HIM BE!!!!!! everybody on here acts like they have never mde a mistake. besides the guilty one already quit and left. let him b so he can do his job.

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:47am
Mom,,,,Sorry doesn't get it when you are public figure!!! As a community leader you are held to a higher standard, unlike those with 24 kids and on section 8. Before he totally ruins his future he needs to resign, grow up and get his house in order. Maybe the 2 of you could work on that togetherCensored

Posted By: Vivian Moon
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 12:30pm
    When my children were gowning up I tried to teach them how to act while they were out in public. If they were ever in doubt about the rules then every other situation fell under MOTHERS LAW.
    It’s a very simple law which states…If your mother was sitting beside you would you say or act this way? If this answer is no then it’s time for you to leave.   

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 12:47pm
Very Good Vivian!  Clap My Mom still has that law!!!!

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 1:04pm
smartmanClown  dont try and make this about me!! y everytime when i post does someone make a statement about the 8 or having lots of kids. does my opinin not count!!!!!!! i dont even know how that rumor got started about all my kids and different fathers!!! just your typical snob tryin to act like u r better. sorry i dont live on the east end and drive mercedes. i get to voice my side just like u bc we live in the same city. like it or not. and my opinion is this stinks for AJ. he just like all of u on here made a mistake or have made mistakes. again "Think before you judge"

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 1:16pm
Again Mom1 Refer to Vivians post!!!!Stern%20Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 1:53pm
AgainClown refer to my above post this aint about me!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 2:28pm
 BLAH BLAH BLAH MUM !!! the Rules of Conduct Smith signed when he became a councilperson  for the 2nd Ward last year states he will “avoid and discourage conduct which is divisive or harmful to the best interests of Middletown.. lets see here telling a lady and a taxpayer  F.u. because he did want to cough up  $2.50 to pay for his beer..the lady was doing her JOB when this clown decided to give her a bad time.. hmmmm  how many more  rules and laws will this small mind person be allowed to break?? kick him to the curb where he belongs... 

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 4:30pm
AJ Smith needs to be taken out. He and Robinette sure knew how to party though:
Raise The Glasses -

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 6:30pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

here we go again!!!! the MAN admitted he made a mistake. LEAVE HIM BE!!!!!! everybody on here acts like they have never mde a mistake. besides the guilty one already quit and left. let him b so he can do his job.

MAN??????He is no man.A real man doesnt treat women as A.J. has in the pass.I have made mistakes you are correct,but I have never treat any women as "YOUR MAN" has.
As in him doing his job,hahahahahahahahaha...he hasnt done squat except gave the city blackeyes once again.You and him need to go away and count your losses.Wink

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 6:34pm
That story in the paper was the biggest joke I have ever read. So now he hands out his business card to a woman and says he will handle the hit and run that happend in her yard. Told her to tell the cops when they arrived that had delt with the issue. Maybe all the cops should just go on home and let Aj handle everything, I mean he is a council member.
And as for you Mom, peopel will leave him alone when he acts like a man that was elected to lead this city instead of a boy that cant handle power.
Mom when you get you ass off of Section 8 and pay some taxes your opinion will mean something, untill then no one cares what you say.

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 6:42pm
@ Concerned Citizen Clap Excellent post. And Mom,,,I live in the East End No Mewrcedes here,,,just a Chevy and a Ford.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 8:26pm
[QUOTE=acclaro]AJ Smith needs to be taken out.
real nice  aclaro calling for someone "to be taken out?"  unbelieveable!!!!!!  randy do your job and monitor this site and kick people off who talk like this!!! this is a threat to an elected government officail!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 8:33pm
Mom if you had any common sense and you don't,, not sure if there is some at the flea market,,,to be taken out means out of office in this case!!! Do us a favor and just go away.

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 8:39pm
Vannest Mom, DONT TELL ME HOW TO DO MY JOB!!!! I swear I dont know who you and some others think they are always trying to tell me how to run my site. I do not take what was said as a threat, maybe he meant taken out for drinks.
I am about ready to place you on the same list as Mtown, havent seen him around in awhile have you? Dont come on my site and bark orders to me. Angry  I have allowed all of you to banter back and forth and in same cases crossing the line set out by the rules. SO dont cry now that someone said something you dont like. If you dont like my site you are more than welcome to leave and post your opions on the Middletown Journal's site.....oh yea you cant can you.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 9:00pm
FROM Middletown USA Editors

Post removed at the request of Kevin Aldridge of Cox Ohio News:

From Mr. Aldredge:
"Here is a link to the forum posting that we would like taken down as well as any similar future postings:"

Mr. Aldredge called me on my phone to request a removal of this post due to the Middletown Journal's desire to keep the print edition and the on-line edition separate. He went on to say it is fine to link to Journal stories as we have been doing for the online version.

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

Posted By: 409
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 9:02pm
FROM Middletown USA Editors

Post removed at the request of Kevin Aldridge of Cox Ohio News:

From Mr. Aldredge:
"Here is a link to the forum posting that we would like taken down as well as any similar future postings:"

Mr. Aldredge called me on my phone to request a removal of this post due to the Middletown Journal's desire to keep the print edition and the on-line edition separate. He went on to say it is fine to link to Journal stories as we have been doing for the online version.

Every morning is the dawn of a new error...

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 9:13pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

[QUOTE=acclaro]AJ Smith needs to be taken out.
real nice  aclaro calling for someone "to be taken out?"  unbelieveable!!!!!!  randy do your job and monitor this site and kick people off who talk like this!!! this is a threat to an elected government officail!!!
Man lady you need to either get together with your so called man or scratch your A$$ and get happy.Since you are such a A.J.follower can we expect you to be standing up for him at the next council meeting?Cos he sure in the hell going to need it.I for one will be there to ask him to resign his postion.He is nothing but a young punk that keeps putting his foot in that big mouth of his.Smile

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 10:30pm
 the drunk punk i am the law crossed the line on this by a mile, middletown cannot go another day with you.. so yes you must be taken out.. handcuffs would be niceSmile cmon AJ we all know you can and will be stupid again..your track record says so...

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 10:41pm
i wont b silenced!!!  especially in what is going on i arisona where that congresswoman got shot for speaking against the establishment!! randy i remember in posts before where u called me out for saying things and told me u would ban me for far less than acclaro saying AJ needs to b taken out.  hahahahahahahLOL u thought that meant he would take him out for drinks. and u all call me dumb!!!!Thumbs%20Up  this is like russia u cant speak againist the masters opinion or u get banished. go ahead randy and show your true colors kick me off for disagreing with you!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 10:54pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

i wont b silenced!!!  especially in what is going on i arisona where that congresswoman got shot for speaking against the establishment!! randy i remember in posts before where u called me out for saying things and told me u would ban me for far less than acclaro saying AJ needs to b taken out.  hahahahahahahLOL u thought that meant he would take him out for drinks. and u all call me dumb!!!!Thumbs%20Up  this is like russia u cant speak againist the masters opinion or u get banished. go ahead randy and show your true colors kick me off for disagreing with you!!!
Mom if your going to at least post please learn how to spell or use spell check.Gabby was shot in ARIZONA.Havent ever heard of arisona.Is that any where close to you and your man A.J.?
Randy please dont banned her we all get a kick out of her rambles.So are you going to answer my question,Are you going to be a the council meeting to stick up for your loud mouth man?Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:04pm
im sorry if i mispell things as i type look at your past posts and im sure u have mispelled things 2!!!! and to answer your question i dont no if i go  there  what will that do when the lynch mob is there. MONEY TALKS!!! i wont get to talk. dont speak for me anyway let randy ban me. it just shows how he deals w people who dont agree with him. im not the one calling for violence acclaro was!!! and if he wasnt then he should apologize and tell us what he realy meant!!!1

"think before you judge"

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:05pm
When you learn to spell I will take you serious. How about this, if you like I can bring to light who you really are. I have let you come on here and talk smack under a fake name, as is your right. But why dont you man up and use your real name. Are you afraid of the heat that will come along with it?? As for the talk of banning you in a post a few months ago. I can't remember what you said or did, I do recall telling you to watch your mouth or I would  ban you.
The difference here is this, the poster that said "take him out" wasn't talking to you or about you. Now If Aj wants to come on here or call me ( he has my number) and tell me he was offended then I might remove it. But for you to tell me to "do my job" is out of line. Unlike you, I have a job and it involves me doing more than sitting on MUSA all day. I just love how you are taking up for Aj, you are doing him more harm than good.
I'm gonna tell you this, if you say one more word to me I will ban you just for fun and because I am drunk with power, just like your boy Aj. Think I am kidding try me. One more word to me. Just one.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:15pm
Mom if your going to at least post please learn how to spell or use spell check.Gabby was shot in ARIZONA.Havent ever heard of arisona.Is that any where close to you and your man A.J.?
Randy please dont banned her we all get a kick out of her rambles.So are you going to answer my question,Are you going to be a the council meeting to stick up for your loud mouth man?Smile
LMAO, I wont ban her/him because you asked me not too. For someone to say I ban those that disagree with me is pretty funny. If that was the case I would be here by myself. I have argued  with everyone on here at least once.
Mom, is just a nut job, crying over someone saying something about someone else. I will no longer respond to him/her she can stay as a toy for the reall MUSA posters to beat up on.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:16pm

randy i didnt ever say he was talking about taking me out he said take AJ out. so if u want to ban me for speaking out against that and you want to protect that kind of talk go ahead!!!! obviously u dont care about free debate. i never said any threatening things on this or any site!!!! look it up!!!! kick me off and protect people that say things about taking people out!!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:27pm
Thanks Randy.Im thinking its a her since she goes by Vannestmom,but who knows these days.
again Mom,I ask for the 3rd time,can we count on you to be at the meeting to stand up for your loudmouth man?Or will you sit at home sucking down a cold one as he does?
I take my GF out all the time,she enjoys it alot.Mybe IF your man A.J. would take you out you wouldnt be so damn cranky.LOL

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:35pm

Oh my god, are you that moronic Vmom? I believe what the admin of the site was telling you was the post in question was not about you so why do you care? Unless you are Mr. Smith, is that the case? Are you Smith posing as another poster to have some fun? Seems like something an immature person would do and Smith has shown he is that. Since you are such a fan of Smith tell all of us one good thing he has done for the city?


I was a supporter of Smith in the beginning and thought he could really take this city in a new direction, but that has not been the case at all. As for you Vmom you are a great example of what is wrong with this city, section 8 living, draining the working class, mooching off those that work hard daily. You and Smith are cut from the same cloth and that sucks to say because I was a supporter as I said and all those that supported him have been made to look like fools.


If Smith was a man he would come on here and defend his self and not sit by and let some low life as you do it for him.


I will agree with LMAO, Randy don’t ban this person they are fun to laugh at and we all need a good laugh.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:36pm
lmao again i will say what good would it do for me to go there when the lynch mob will take all the seats?1?!?! just like on here you all would not let me or any body that doesnt agree w you speak.!! i like this site adi hpoe it doesnt do like the journal and ban all comments but this town is going that way so i dont see no hope!!! at least here for now i get to have a voice!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:41pm
concerned i no that the poster of that wasnt talking about me!!! he was talking about aj. so even tho it wasnt about me should i just not say anything when someone talks about "taking some one out?" i cant believe i am talking about being banned when some one talks about "taking someone out" and no one says anything about that!!!!!Confused

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:48pm
So are you A.J.? Or are you to scared to come out with your real name.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 16 2011 at 11:55pm
concerned u dont need to know who i am. who are you?!?!? im who you all want me to be.  all i know is im being attacked for defending AJ when it wasnt him that was the source of the problem in the first place. it was robinette!!! just like the prior  postin of the police report said. if i  was the problem then they would have come to his house and questioned him. im sure they know where he lives!!! leave this MAN alone!!!! let him conduct the buisness of the city that people elected him to do!!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 12:01am
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

lmao again i will say what good would it do for me to go there when the lynch mob will take all the seats?1?!?! just like on here you all would not let me or any body that doesnt agree w you speak.!! i like this site adi hpoe it doesnt do like the journal and ban all comments but this town is going that way so i dont see no hope!!! at least here for now i get to have a voice!!!
VMOM what good is it doing you sitting on here spewing about a way someone said something?You can read it alot of ways. But of course you have read it exactly the wrong way.As in your statemeant as in "LYNCHMOB" that mob is concern citizens that is getting fed up with the spineless council that is sitting in those seats.The Mob is getting tired of Mr.Smith going out and doing stupid sh^t as he has done.He and you both need to just ride off in the sunset and  be happy ever after.
By the way you can call me Keith i wont hide behinde a screen.If i knew how to change what I go by I would.Smile

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 12:03am
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

concerned u dont need to know who i am. who are you?!?!? im who you all want me to be.  all i know is im being attacked for defending AJ when it wasnt him that was the source of the problem in the first place. it was robinette!!! just like the prior  postin of the police report said. if i  was the problem then they would have come to his house and questioned him. im sure they know where he lives!!! leave this MAN alone!!!! let him conduct the buisness of the city that people elected him to do!!!!
LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL..You keep on refering him to a man.No man talks to women as he has done.You are just plumb dumb.Big%20smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 12:09am
do u know AJ? what proof do you have other than some fake article in the paper no one reads that he has been mean to women in words or deeds?!?!?!?!? all of you all keep saying that he disses women but give me proof! someone on here keeps talking bout how he has apattern of treatin women but he has no proof!!! im just saying geez you all give this MAN a break!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 7:14am
Well he admitted to cussing at the waitress that went to the parking log to collect for the bill.  A man would have said I am sorry, I thought Mr Robinette was paying for it,  then paid for the bill.  Instead he insighted a confrontation which resulted in the police being called - had he been a man, they would not have called the police and we would not be talking about this today.
A real man would have told his buddy to lay off the girl that he was telling to strip.  He is guilty by association for being present and not stopping Robinette from making a fool of the city. 
A real man would have told his sister not to go over to the girls house where you know it was going to be heated.  AJ is not the law - he had no right to go there and try to protect his sister the way he did.  What he should have done is call the police to meet him there rather then take the law into his own hands. 
To sum it up for you Vannestmom - all of these incidents had to do with women - and they all happened with in a 6 month period.  Not good a record if you ask me.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 7:48am
what proof do you have other than some fake article in the paper no one reads that he has been mean to women in words or deeds?!?!?!?!?  hey stupid!!!!! this is the police report..She advised that MR. SMITH
got up from the bar with a beer in each hand and started to leave. She told him he had to pay and
that he couldn't leave with the beers. He refused to pay or give her the beers and said, "f**k you."
She told him that she would call the law and he stated, "l am the law." He put one beer down before
leaving, however kept the other one with him as he Ieft, got in his car, and drove off quickly. sounds like an AJ smack down to a women to me.. A REAL MAN would have asked why do i owe this im sure the lady would have expain this, A REAL MAN  then would have paid for it then left a tip..but your boy AJ used  the hood punk style on this lady and broke laws leaving this place.. 

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:47am
Originally posted by Bobbie Bobbie wrote:

Well he admitted to cussing at the waitress that went to the parking log to collect for the bill.  A man would have said I am sorry, I thought Mr Robinette was paying for it,  then paid for the bill.  Instead he insighted a confrontation which resulted in the police being called - had he been a man, they would not have called the police and we would not be talking about this today.
A real man would have told his buddy to lay off the girl that he was telling to strip.  He is guilty by association for being present and not stopping Robinette from making a fool of the city. 
A real man would have told his sister not to go over to the girls house where you know it was going to be heated.  AJ is not the law - he had no right to go there and try to protect his sister the way he did.  What he should have done is call the police to meet him there rather then take the law into his own hands. 
To sum it up for you Vannestmom - all of these incidents had to do with women - and they all happened with in a 6 month period.  Not good a record if you ask me.
ClapClapClapClapClapClapClapClap...Hit the nail on the head.One of these days "YOUR MAN" will say something or do something to a women and either they or their BF or Husband will knock the hell out of the loud mouth.LOL

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:50am
The deliberate attempt to use a smokescreen associated with Tuscon and politically correct phraseolologyis beyond comprehension. I knew how much hyperbole AJ Smith interjected into his alleged text message incident, I just made reference to the fact council needs to take him out of office. Its not even the responsibility of the  citizens. He also needs to be taken out to a woodshed, and paddled with his immaturity.
To our host MiddletownUSA, there was no intent to advocate  violence be used as a remedy against Smith's immaturity and actions which have taken the place of Laura Williams. I knew Smith and his handlers would decry "victim". Its time for the drama queen to stop, and it city council needs to take him out of office for his immaturity and negativity reflective upon Midlletown and leadership.  

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:54am
AJ you are perfect example of what is wrong with young people today, you are a perfect example of NOT being taught right from wrong.. you are perfect example who NOT to vote  for public are a perfect example of NOT a way to talk to the ladies, you are a perfect example on NOT the way you should act in public, you are a perfect example of a politician  breaking rules and laws, you are a perfect example of a council person that needs to resign or  removed by the people

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 9:42am
honestly saddens me to read the personal insults and nastiness flying around here.
y'all get more upset over the local "guys gone wild" episode than the real crucial issues coming before Council and Admin. As a veteran of the former local bar scene(I retired from it over 25 years ago after being as obnoxious as anyone), this goes on every night locally somewhere(and was far more crazy long ago). If a couple of locals(regardless of position or status) want to get loaded and hit on barroom women(the lady involved was well-acquainted), that is their business. If they act up and get in trouble from it, that is their business, and the consequences that follow. Do I condone these drunken actions? Absolutely not!
Now we have our hosts threatening to out people and ban certain chosen names from posting. Pretty much defeats the whole purpose of this forum and smacks of the same silencing policy used by the MJ and city leaders. Un-acceptable from any angle. Maybe it is time for a new forum to be established.
Spider's Web??? lol
Once again you get distracted from the important happenings in the big picture.
Little to no response on important city issues that will be discussed and legislated next Tuesday.
And all of this on MLK week-end.
Please take the time today to read a few of Dr.King's great speeches.
They are brilliant and timeless.
A way of life beneficial to everyone, and very relavant to the tone and negativity currently running rampant on this web site. Don't be caught up in the feeding frenzy just because you can smell a little blood in the stream. Distance yourself by taking the high road towards understanding and forgiveness. Give it a chance to work instead of attacking then going to the defensive.
Live "The Dream"
And by all means attend the Punch Brothers show at MUM this up-coming Sunday at 7:30pm
Support your local "Arts"!

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 10:01am
spiderjohn, I compliment and applaud your efforts to focus upon the true art which does exist in Middletown. Your efforts are appreciated.
I agree with your comments about the true issues of council, but I also state it is my belief, Mr. Smith has shown an chronic pattern of behavior which shows immaturity and tendency to blame or coverup. We do have enough problems already in the city, but the fact he is a council person making statements about coming across a "fallen stop sign", and taking care of matters clearly is an attempt to resolve issues where he was involved.
I have a belief PAC will not succeed, and the CS deal has minor consequences. Its nice students can attend cooking school, but can't see how Middletown benefits from the Manchester involvement, in the sense how much revenue will be derived from students or staff, cooking for the public. Is the Inn going to be run for hospitality as well? No one seems to know.
Fully support as a forum, said that before many time.    

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 10:06am
With A.J.running wild in the city doing what he please's takes away from the rest of council focusing on the real problems of this town.Smile
He just needs to either step down or forced out IMO.

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 10:08am
WOW SPIDER - it really saddens me reading your post.  I do agree that individuals going out after a meeting is their personal business.  However it became public when the police had to be called.  I as a mother of a teenage driver I will not condone anyone of any age to act in the behavior that AJ did. Applebees is not just a local bar  - it is a restaraunt that families also attend.  Do you think it is appropriate for anyone to leave hastily with an open container?  What if someone was hurt, would you change your tune?  It does not make it right just because no one was. 
AJ is 21.  I am assuming he has been out of high school for 3 years - which means he probably still has friends that could be in school.  He had the opportunity to be a stand up guy and a role model for the youth.  What kind of example is he setting for the Middletown youth?  Personally if he was my kid I would take him out to the wood shed. 
You talk about MLK speeches in your post - don't hardly think he would be proud of AJ today. 

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 10:19am
Spider, I am a little bothered by your post. I think you of all people know that I have never "outted" someone, even if I threaten to do so. I will put with anyone telling me to "do my job" I have one boss thats the man that signs my check each week. I did let mom get under my skin sure. But I am tired of people complaining about things that are said on this site. This poster is or was mad over something not even said to them or about them. I let many things go on this site that could be against the rules, but when I do that and someone says something someone doesn't like the cry to me. You cant have it both ways, either you want free speech here or you want me to enforce rules and delete peoples post.
As for the comment of a new forum, "spiders web" sounds good to me. Big%20smile

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: spiderjohn
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 10:51am

I understand the feelings of everyone responding.

At no time have I condoned or defended any of the activities referenced or in question. I strongly dislike that kind of conduct, and fully expect the consequences to run the natural course. I will never defend drunken or insulting/demeaning behavior public or private. I have heard pretty much every detail of the other evening from pretty much every perspective. Didn't have to ask anyone. A crappy situation brought on un-necessairily and fueled by alcohol. Just glad that nothing far worse happened. Those involved will pay a price, believe me--deservedly. Hopefully it can be left behind for a much improved direction.
I'll just leave it that my thinking bothers some, just as some thinking bothers me.
No Bobbie--I wouldn't think that Dr.King would be happy with much of the discourse in this thread, or the actions that led to this discourse. And to be happening so long after his message and sacrifice. Just saddening. Please reflect on the message of the day, and how it should be the message of everyday. We shouldn't need a national holiday to experience equality, dignity and sensitive treatment of others.
Everything runs it's course.
Everything is finite--nothing stays the same or lasts forever.
This forum is what it is, and probably shouldn't be the only sounding board in the area, though it has been a wonderful source of information, debate and concept.
jmo---pounce if you choose.

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 12:02pm
sj, no need to pounce on you. You make far greater contributions to Middletown, than anyone could levy criticism. You are exactly correct: many commit youthful indiscretions which are part of youth. My issues with Mr. Smith are not associated with anincidence of drinking, but a pattern of behavior which is beginning to add up over time, to become a concern.
The rally with the union workers was wrong, the other issues with a stop sign that he just stumbled on, after hour mingling which is fine, but led to an outburst. Such incidents become public, and hurt Middletown in many ways, in conjunction with the decisions made by council and leadership. There are no underlining racial tones nor motivation. Simply put- he needs to grow up and gain a level of maturity. Its not about him, its about the city and what he represents.
With your facilitation, we are reminded how much art we already have available in Middletown. Bravo to you for illuminating that fact. 

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:01pm
i just want to take the time while everyone is apologizing to say that acclaro and randy i accept your apologyClap. acclaro we all just need to keep in mind what just happened in ariZona. words means things and people will sometimes act on those words. A.J. is receiving threatening text messages. i hope everyone on here would be againist this. like it or not i live in the same town as you and my opinion counts just as much as yours. i just hope people give this MAN a second chance nobody is perfect right?!?!?!Approve

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:12pm
Vannest Mom - count it out this is a 3rd chance.  Personally I like 3 strikes your out. 
And just to state my opinion - Vannest I don't think you are what you say you are. 

Posted By: acclaro
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:20pm
Arizona and the politics of violence has absolutely no association with AJ Smith and his theatrics, nor did it play a part in Tuscon. Madness is madness, immaturity is immaturity.

I did not apologize---I stated your misunderstanding of the reference to "taken out" was meant, he needed to go. I assuredly hope city council or the citizens will put him on such a path this week. The drama associated with this young man is frankly, beyond pale, and acceptable behavior.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:28pm
bobbie i no you dont want me to b real. how could i be real right im not like you i dont live like you can but that dont make me fake. u and the others on this site dont like any one who dont think like you do so u try and label people fake. u know whats fake?  the way u treat people who arent as lucky as you all have been thats whats fake!!!!! 

"think before you judge"

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:34pm

Nor did I apologize

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:55pm
lets get back to the topic and stop all of the name calling. randy u are right to not ban people who disagree. that is what makes this site better than the journal. they jus shut down. does any one know why?Confused i will continue to speak for the people who cant speak here even if we dont all agree.  i just think that this man deserves another try he represents the future not the past old boys club and this is y i think a lot of people are mad. they cant have it like they used to while A.J. is around and this makes them mad that a new sherriff is in town!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:56pm
Vmom, people aren't lucky, they work for the things they want, you shoud try it. People are not picking on your boy AJ, he has brought all of this on himself. If you put as much effort into looking for a job as you do taking up for him maybe you could get off section 8.

Posted By: Concerned Citizen
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 4:59pm
so, now AJ is the new sheriff in town? Really!!! He is council member thats it!! When you and figure that out we willall be alot better off. How many chances do you give someone?

Posted By: Bill
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 5:04pm
Vannest, if the "future" consists of a young immature fool who likes pretend he's a leader and union thug while having no higher education and no job, all while spending one half of his time on council to ask silly questions and the other half trying to raise up his skirt to show some leg to the fire union, then I want no part of the future!

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 5:07pm
WoW so now he's a the new sherriff Confused lord help us...Disapprove 

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 6:54pm

Traffic on MUSA is on fire and everyone is watching us, but that aside here are my thoughts as a citizen of Middletown and a tax payer, when it comes to Aj and this whole fiasco. 


I think Aj was wrong in his actions that night as far as the words he chose to use. I also think that he has made some decisions that have lead to other police involved issues that were not the smartest around. And with that said I think he should take any and all criticism that comes his way because of it. Should he resign or be asked too? I guess that is up to the people that feel that his actions are so detrimental and so out of line that he is not good for the city. Again that is personal choice for everyone to make on there on.   


If people want to show up and ask him to step down that is there right and again he should have to sit there and listen to every word. I will agree that people make mistakes in life and most of us have, but we also had to pay for those mistakes.


I think the issue is far deeper than Aj though and problems with this city run higher up the food chain than him or other council members. If you really want to see some change in the city building and if you do decide to go to tomorrows meeting and speak out against Aj, make sure you turn around and face some others in the room and ask them to do the same or ask council to get rid of them. Getting rid of one council member is not going to change much if anything at all. Again this is just my opinion and nothing more.

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:37pm
Let him conduct the business of the people,how is this possible when he can't even conduct his own conduct.

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:43pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

concerned u dont need to know who i am. who are you?!?!? im who you all want me to be.  all i know is im being attacked for defending AJ when it wasnt him that was the source of the problem in the first place. it was robinette!!! just like the prior  postin of the police report said. if i  was the problem then they would have come to his house and questioned him. im sure they know where he lives!!! leave this MAN alone!!!! let him conduct the buisness of the city that people elected him to do!!!!
Speaking of Robinette, doesn't say much for his girlfriend when he is out in the streets liquored up asking other women to strip down naked.

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 8:47pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

do u know AJ? what proof do you have other than some fake article in the paper no one reads that he has been mean to women in words or deeds?!?!?!?!? all of you all keep saying that he disses women but give me proof! someone on here keeps talking bout how he has apattern of treatin women but he has no proof!!! im just saying geez you all give this MAN a break!!!
Could this be AJ's sister,just a thought.

Posted By: tomahawk35
Date Posted: Jan 17 2011 at 9:11pm

If Dr. King had sat silence and let things run the course, there probably wouldn't have been  any changes because everyone knows when you are dealing with politicans  they seem to find a way to sweep things under the carpet. The sqeaky wheel gets the grease.

Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 6:24am
The young brother has accomplished so much and represented the people of the second with dignity and courage. How dare you people judge him for speaking out?  is this the dignity and courage you talk about??         She advised that MR. SMITH
got up from the bar with a beer in each hand and started to leave. She told him he had to pay and
that he couldn't leave with the beers. He refused to pay or give her the beers and said
, ("f**k you) was this courage or did he do this with dignity?? i get the feeling that this is all you will get from AJ everytime you turn around!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 6:42am
"As a concerned citizen and A PROMINENT FIGURE IN THE CITY" Rather a pompous, self-centered statement to make, isn't it?

Good one Rudy! Ever hear the phrase "a legend in your own mind" applies here. Bet the earth shakes under your feet too, right?

Oh, that change we can believe in you talk about, will come to Middletown, not with AJ alone, but with the gutting of most of council, the elimination of the MMF faction and the city building personnel starting with the city manager on down to the Director/Manager levels and the replacement of competent people with an entirely different agenda.

You sir, have a blessed day also. (All of this said with the knowledge that this isn't really the Bishop, of course)


Posted By: bumper
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 7:37am -

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 10:35am
Originally posted by Rpringle Rpringle wrote:

As a concerned citizen of the 2nd and a prominent figure in the city I feel that I must speak . Let us celebrate and rejoice on this most glorious holiday.! First and for most The rev. dr. Martin Luther the king would be proud of Mr. Smith. The young brother has accomplished so much and represented the people of the second with dignity and courage. How dare you people judge him for speaking out? Where would we be if Mrs. Rosa parks sat silent?
As a man of the lord I challenge you to stand with my brother and work with him. It's time for change we can believe in to come to the M to the I to the D to the D to the L to the E to the T to the O to the W to the N! YES WE CAN!!!!!
Have a blessed day

Mr.Pringle as a concern citizen myself you say Mr.King would be proud of Mr.Smith?Sir,I have to disagree with you.Mr.Smith left Applebee's with a beer in his hand,getting into a car and speeding out of the parking lot. Thank God he didnt hit anything or anyone.Are you saying that Mr.King would have agreed with his handling of this issue?I You also say that "YOUR" young brother has accomplished so much.Please remind me,myself and I what would that be?Mr.Smith not once but twice now has put "HISSELF" into situations that has once again showed his imaturity.As him "SPEAKING" out,are you referring to him yelling "F" you on the way out the door?As standing with him sorry me,myself,and I will be asking him to resign his postion and also be asking council to vote him off.This city can not take no more problems.Hope to see you tonight.Have a great day sir.Smile -

Posted By: middletownlost
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 10:58am
Uh, the police officers are tired of dealing with AJ Smith thats for sure. Sick of his attitude and sick of his wanting special treatment. The things published in the papers arent the only issues with AJ. Its just the ones that have been reported.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 1:09pm
here we go again.! midd lost accusing A.J. of things he cant proove. where is your proof that he gets in trouble with the law so often? im sure you dont have any but it is easy to say things and not back them up. the only trouble he has been in is a disturbance that he was trying to solve that was the other girls fault. she was dissin his sister!!! and tis little applebees thing obviously was a missunderstanding. WHERE IS THE PROOF?!?!?!?............silence just like i thought.

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bocephus
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 1:21pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

here we go again.! midd lost accusing A.J. of things he cant proove. where is your proof that he gets in trouble with the law so often? im sure you dont have any but it is easy to say things and not back them up. the only trouble he has been in is a disturbance that he was trying to solve that was the other girls fault. she was dissin his sister!!! and tis little applebees thing obviously was a missunderstanding. WHERE IS THE PROOF?!?!?!?............silence just like i thought.

Troll alert.

Posted By: errn
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 1:22pm
I hope there is a good showing tonight not only from  the citizens but the posters of this forum. Lets not have a showing like the other time we were all fired up  about PAC. Those that did show were not as bold and boisterous as some of their postings. Please show up tonight united asking the councilman to resign. If he refuses then demand it of the rest of the members to remove him. Do not let this become cover for Mulligan and the others to use. Now they have something to hold over his head and get him into line with their biddings. If he is allowed to stay this will effictively become another vote for whatever Mulligan, Judy and the others want.  Lets get back to the real issues of the city and not let them keep this person on council as a vote in their pockets!!! HE MUST GO!!!

Posted By: randy
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 1:28pm
I just love it when two poster are the same person and try to argue both sides of something. Please keep it up you two. ClapClap

Call me for a" rel="nofollow - quote 513-422-1907 x357

Posted By: John Beagle
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 1:32pm

A post was removed at the request of Kevin Aldridge of Cox Ohio News:

From Mr. Aldredge:
"Here is a link to the forum posting that we would like taken down as well as any similar future postings:"

Mr. Aldredge called me on my phone to request a removal of this post due to the Middletown Journal's desire to keep the print edition and the on-line edition separate. He went on to say it is fine to link to Journal stories as we have been doing for the online version.

-------------" rel="nofollow - John Beagle

Middletown USA

News of, for and by the people of Middletown, Ohio.

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 2:06pm
John....I would like to comment on this if I may.

I respect Mr. Aldredge and his request to have the postings removed. I understand that the information posted, was meant for people who bought the hardcopy of the Sunday edition of the Journal. It could be viewed as the Journal "penalizing" people who didn't buy their newspaper on Sunday.

I also think that this scheme, meant specifically to boost sagging sales at the Journal, is a pathetic attempt to lure people back to a newspaper that has changed so dramatically to the negative, it no longer resembles the once proud hometown flavor of its predecessor.

This move on Mr. Aldredge's part, further alienates me from ever subscribing to what I perceive as the journalistic whipping post for the city administration, controlled by a small group of self-serving individuals and printing only what they are told to print, representing only one side of the picture. It is indeed, sad to see this type of behavior from a once reputable source of information. JMO

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:08pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

here we go again.! midd lost accusing A.J. of things he cant proove. where is your proof that he gets in trouble with the law so often? im sure you dont have any but it is easy to say things and not back them up. the only trouble he has been in is a disturbance that he was trying to solve that was the other girls fault. she was dissin his sister!!! and tis little applebees thing obviously was a missunderstanding. WHERE IS THE PROOF?!?!?!?............silence just like i thought.
Show us proff that you arent A.J.? The proff we need is the 2 incidents that he has been in.Also using the police as his personal body guard.He wouldnt have any problem if just he'd keep his mouth shut.Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:28pm
lmao  i said show us proof that the police are tired of dealing with him. someone posted that now show me proof.  u cant Clown! now back to the business at the hand. i hope there are resonable people going to support A.J. tonight.  i would go myself if i could. let him be so he can conduct his business that we all elected him to do!!!!

"think before you judge"

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:41pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

lmao  i said show us proof that the police are tired of dealing with him. someone posted that now show me proof.  u cant Clown! now back to the business at the hand. i hope there are resonable people going to support A.J. tonight.  i would go myself if i could. let him be so he can conduct his business that we all elected him to do!!!!
You are right I cant show yea cos Im not the one that poated it,but can show you proff he has been in 2 incidents.I see you dodge my question in showing us proff that you arent Mr.Loudmouth A.J.Smith.
Will let him be as soon as he is out of the chair he sits in.As in you going whats wrong dont you have a bus pass?Smile

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:50pm
Originally posted by Rpringle Rpringle wrote:

What do you people want brother smith to do? I bet you wish he would've gotten in a fight at apple bees. I think he handled himself with class. He defused the situation. He walked away instead of falling into that girls trap. She obviously was trying to get some dirt on him and use it to extort money from mr smith. She probably deserved to be punched and taught a lesson. And that's exactly what a lesser man would've done but not the ever classy aj. He is just trying to do his job and get away from business as usual unlike the rest of city clowncil. He didn't ask for any of this. He will restore law and order to Middletown. He is the law! Aj smith didn't land on Middletown , Middletown landed on him! Do not vilify , rectify, justify!
And yes I am well respected in this city. Everyday as I cruise the streets in my green Cadillac I am reminded of how bad off Middletown was before the election of brother smith.
OMG you didnt go there.Class,by walking out of a place with a beer and saying FU on the way out.Disfused it by getting behinde the wheel of a car with a beer.What damn planet do you live on?Last I heard that was against the law.Oh wait A.J. is the law.Care to tell us what trap this lady was setting up?I can say it would be a safe bet that if he laid his hands on her he himself would of got his A$$ beat. He needs to land on another planet other than Middletown and hopefully when he does he takes your A$$ with him.If he isnt gone after tonight Me,Myself and I will Personally start the ball rolling to get him removed the right way.By Petition.Smile

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:55pm
i cant be there tonight due to my well known health problems. my home health nurse was with me for a couple of hours today and i wastalking to her about it. after she read some of these hateful posts on my computer while i was doing my therapy shesaid with my difficulties that i shouldnt go. now go ahead and judge again. first you should think not everyone in life is as lucky as some.  i just want people to talk facts not make things up about people. i hope A.J. beats this and w e can continue on to keep hope alive!!!Thumbs%20Up

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:56pm
Originally posted by Rpringle Rpringle wrote:

What do you people want brother smith to do? I bet you wish he would've gotten in a fight at apple bees. I think he handled himself with class. He defused the situation. He walked away instead of falling into that girls trap. She obviously was trying to get some dirt on him and use it to extort money from mr smith. She probably deserved to be punched and taught a lesson. And that's exactly what a lesser man would've done but not the ever classy aj. He is just trying to do his job and get away from business as usual unlike the rest of city clowncil. He didn't ask for any of this. He will restore law and order to Middletown. He is the law! Aj smith didn't land on Middletown , Middletown landed on him! Do not vilify , rectify, justify!
And yes I am well respected in this city. Everyday as I cruise the streets in my green Cadillac I am reminded of how bad off Middletown was before the election of brother smith.
Anybody that believes this is a real person posting their thoughts I have bridge to sell you.  I think we have someone trying to get people stirred up.

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 3:58pm
Originally posted by vannestmom vannestmom wrote:

i cant be there tonight due to my well known health problems. my home health nurse was with me for a couple of hours today and i wastalking to her about it. after she read some of these hateful posts on my computer while i was doing my therapy shesaid with my difficulties that i shouldnt go. now go ahead and judge again. first you should think not everyone in life is as lucky as some.  i just want people to talk facts not make things up about people. i hope A.J. beats this and w e can continue on to keep hope alive!!!Thumbs%20Up
Again you dodge the question but thats okay.Your still breathing arent you?Then your lucky as the rest of us.Smile

Posted By: LMAO
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 4:00pm
Originally posted by Bobbie Bobbie wrote:

Originally posted by Rpringle Rpringle wrote:

What do you people want brother smith to do? I bet you wish he would've gotten in a fight at apple bees. I think he handled himself with class. He defused the situation. He walked away instead of falling into that girls trap. She obviously was trying to get some dirt on him and use it to extort money from mr smith. She probably deserved to be punched and taught a lesson. And that's exactly what a lesser man would've done but not the ever classy aj. He is just trying to do his job and get away from business as usual unlike the rest of city clowncil. He didn't ask for any of this. He will restore law and order to Middletown. He is the law! Aj smith didn't land on Middletown , Middletown landed on him! Do not vilify , rectify, justify!
And yes I am well respected in this city. Everyday as I cruise the streets in my green Cadillac I am reminded of how bad off Middletown was before the election of brother smith.
Anybody that believes this is a real person posting their thoughts I have bridge to sell you.  I think we have someone trying to get people stirred up.
Its pretty damn sad that we have dumb and dumber in this town.LOL

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 4:01pm
Thumbs%20Up bobbie this rpringle isnt helping anybody by being on here aand posting nonsense. PLEASE STOP!!! U ARENT HELPING A.J.Angry

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Bobbie
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 4:05pm
I don't think it is Pringle at all - I would place good money that it is someone on here pulling your chains - (LMAO - you are walking right into it).  VM - you are not helping AJ either.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 4:21pm
how am i not helping A.J. ? I am the only real one on here sticking up for him!!! the rest of you are like sharks with blood in the water. let me ask u all  a question? When A.J. survives this attempt will you all leave him alone?

"think before you judge"

Posted By: middletownscouter
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 5:10pm
Originally posted by Concerned Citizen Concerned Citizen wrote:

As for something someone said about council should get rid of him. I am sad to say that we I mean they dont have the ability to do so.

Sure we do. Go to the polls on election day and vote him out. If people don't want to wait that long, there's a process to recall a member of council. -

(a) Any elective officer of the City may be removed from office by the qualified electors of the City. The procedure
for such removal shall be as now provided by the Ohio Revised Code and subsequent amendments thereto (§ 705.92 presently). -
Quote 705.92 Procedure for removal of elective officer by recall.

Any elective officer of a municipal corporation may be removed from office by the qualified voters of such municipal corporation. The procedure to effect such removal shall be:

(A) A petition signed by qualified electors equal in number to at least fifteen per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election, and demanding the election of a successor to the person sought to be removed, shall be filed with the board of elections. Such petition shall contain a general statement in not more than two hundred words of the grounds upon which the removal of such person is sought. The form, sufficiency, and regularity of any such petition shall be determined as provided in the general election laws.

(B) If the petition is sufficient, and if the person whose removal is sought does not resign within five days after the sufficiency of the petition has been determined, the legislative authority shall thereupon order and fix a day for holding an election to determine the question of the removal of the elective officer, and for the selection of a successor to each officer named in said petition. Such election shall be held not less than thirty nor more than forty days from the time of the finding of the sufficiency of such petition. The election authorities shall publish notice and make all arrangements for holding such election, which shall be conducted and the result thereof returned and declared in all respects as are the results of regular municipal elections.

(C) The nomination of candidates to succeed each officer sought to be removed shall be made, without the intervention of a primary election, by filing with the election authorities, at least twenty days prior to such special election, a petition proposing a person for each such office, signed by electors equal in number to ten per cent of the total votes cast at the most recent regular municipal election for the head of the ticket.

(D) The ballots at such recall election shall, with respect to each person whose removal is sought, submit the question: “Shall (name of person) be removed from the office of (name of office) by recall?”

Immediately following each such question, there shall be printed on the ballots, the two propositions in the order set forth:

“For the recall of (name of person).”

“Against the recall of (name of person).”

Immediately to the left of the proposition shall be placed a square in which the electors may vote for either of such propositions.

Under each of such questions shall be placed the names of candidates to fill the vacancy. The name of the officer whose removal is sought shall not appear on the ballot as a candidate to succeed the officer’s self.

In any such election, if a majority of the votes cast on the question of removal are affirmative, the person whose removal is sought shall be removed from office upon the announcement of the official canvass of that election, and the candidate receiving the plurality of the votes cast for candidates for that office shall be declared elected. The successor of any person so removed shall hold office during the unexpired term of the successor’s predecessor. The question of the removal of any officer shall not be submitted to the electors until such officer has served for at least one year of the term during which he is sought to be recalled. The method of removal provided in this section, is in addition to such other methods as are provided by law. If, at any such recall election, the incumbent whose removal is sought is not recalled, the incumbent shall be repaid the incumbent’s actual and legitimate expenses for such election from the treasury of the municipal corporation, but such sum shall not exceed fifty per cent of the sum that the incumbent is by law permitted to expend as a candidate at any regular municipal election.

Effective Date: 08-22-1995

So just get that petition started, folks. From the counts available at the Board of Elections website - there were 28,613 registered voters in all the Middletown precincts at the 11/2/10 general election. With only about a 40% voter turnout (11,571 votes cast) in the election, the number of registered Middletown voters needed on a petition to get 15% and force a special recall election is 1,736 signatures.

Given the dislike displayed for Mr. Smith on this board and elsewhere (both online and in the real world), it shouldn't be too hard to come up with that amount. The question is can another candidate be found to replace him that won't continue to keep Middletown's city government the laughing stock of the county?

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 5:14pm
C'mon WOTS. Ya changed your screen name but not your picture. I like the play on Bishop Pringle. You have it downpat on how he would approach this situation defending Mr. Smith. Let the "crap" stirring begin. You have a little "preachin'" in your post. Amen brother! and hallelujah!!!! As Gary Burbank would say, No need to scream and shout, just turn them pockets inside out!!!

Posted By: VietVet
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 5:50pm
middletownscouter.......We talked about recalling most of the members of council back in October I believe it was. We talked about getting the petitions from the Butler County Board of Elections and including the school board members as well. It all fizzled with no one wanting to organize and pass out petitions in all sections of the city. I think Pacman let us know about the recall method back then. Good idea though. Just too much apathy here.

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 6:07pm
lets all take a moment and pray for peace and people to act right and polite tonight.

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Paul Nagy
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 7:20pm
     To the scoundrel who stole Rudy Pringle's identity and pretended to write posts under his name. You attempted to vilify Mr. Pringle. You did something very illegal. You should be sued. You should be ashamed to do something so low down in the name of another person. I hope you will be revealed by name and receive the appropriate response by the posters on this forum. I will be one of them.
Paul Nagy

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 8:01pm
I just got home from work and saw the tale end of the meeting. The last thing I saw was an ordinance reading. Were there no citizen comments?  Sorry Vmom I work for a living to support you and did not see the whole thing!!

Posted By: vannestmom
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 8:21pm
LOL  just got back from my bf house watching mtg. we knew none of yall would show up. just a bunch of loud mouths on post sites but scared in real life. or is it that u knew that this was all about nothing?!?!?!LOL none of you can say nothing anymore. Hope still is alive A.J.!!! keep up the good fight.

"think before you judge"

Posted By: Smartman
Date Posted: Jan 18 2011 at 8:33pm
No one said anything?? I was going to go but to to the major remodel going on at my store I could not attend. Really no one said anything??? So if I would have been able to go, and been allowed to speak, I would have been standing there with my d#@! in my hand??? Are you all just a bunch of blow hards??? No guts??? No stones??? Much easier to sit high on a blog and bitch and hope someone else does the leg work!!! I know everyone has excuses,,,mine was very real and could not attend. There has been talk of a recall, do any of you have the stones to get it started??? Get me the paperwork and I will. I cannot believe this!! I guess none of you have any balls!!! Angry

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